Ashley Melillo

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Ep. 15: Claiming Your Super-Powered Purpose

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In this episode we're talking about how to identify and claim our Super-Powered Purpose.

If you've found yourself waffling or wavering in your life or career in recent times or in search of deeper meaning, this episode is for you.

Listen on for an honest and heart-centered approach to find your way back to yourself and back to the soul work that lights you up.

See this content in the original post


Pressfield, S. (2003). *The War of Art. Orion.

Starwynn, D., & Morter, S. (2022). *Awakening the avatar within: A roadmap to uncover your superpowers, upgrade your body and uplift humanity. Desert Heart Press.

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Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual professional psychological advice.