Easy 4-Step Manifestation Process
Just the thought of taking your dreams, hopes, and desires from thought forms to manifested can feel overwhelming. Keep reading for our easy 4-step manifestation process.
“Alignment is leverage. That’s not lazy, that’s smart.”
Here’s what you’ll learn from this article:
Our trusty 4-step process for manifesting.
Best practices for intention setting + visualization.
Why it’s imperative to take (aligned) action.
Let’s get to it!
1, 2, 3, 4 tell me that you love me more… 🎶
Remember that Feist song? So good.
In all (playful) seriousness though, we’re super excited to share our trusty 4-step manifestation process with you!
Here’s what it looks like:
Step 1: Intend.
Step 2: Visualize.
Step 3: Align.
Step 4: Embody.
This is all sounding a little abstract, so let’s break down each step...
In this post, we dove into the topic of intention setting. We learned that if we don’t know where we’re going, we can’t expect to get much of anywhere.
When we set clear intentions, we create a roadmap for our soul’s deepest desires and call in the support of the Universe.
It’s in this step where we clarify what, exactly, it is we want to manifest.
For example, here’s an intention Ashley set while she was still working full-time as a psychologist...
I intend to turn (my passion-project) Blissful Basil into my full-time career by creating multiple revenue streams and broadening my knowledge and skill-set for nutrition and vegan cooking.
The precise method for documenting your intentions—in a journal, in the ‘notes’ app on your phone, on notecards, etc.—is up to you. The only thing that matters is that you find a way to do it and stick with it.
As we mentioned in this post, our #1 tip for beginning to take our intentions from paper dream to manifested reality is to harness the visualization powers of our imagination.
We must see in order to receive.
By imagining and envisioning the desired outcome in great detail, we begin to align our current emotions with that of our intended desires. Through this process, we raise our vibration to that of what it is we want to manifest.
Take, for example, the intention mentioned above.
For months after setting this intention, Ashley spent 3–5 minutes several times a week closing her eyes and visualizing herself working from the comforts of her cozy home office in as much detail as possible. She visualized collaborating with brands and advertisers and money flowing into her bank account without worry or attachment to it.
Ashley imagined not only what working for herself would look like but also what it would feel like and how she could best serve others doing the work she loved.
AND she expressed appreciation for her career as it already was, too.
Remember: The Universe rewards genuine appreciation and gratitude, and there’s no time like the present to express it.
Give thanks today and there will be even more to be thankful for tomorrow.
If you can swing it, a few minutes of daily visualization is most effective, but do what you can (and forgive yourself when you can’t).
When your actions come from an aligned space, you’ll yield larger results with less effort.
As we mentioned last month, our #1 rule for getting into alignment is to follow your fun.
This step is purely about raising your vibration to that of a higher place so that when you take action, you’re acting from a high-vibe state rather than a rushed, hurried, or stressed one.
A common misperception about manifestation is that it’s ALL about our emotions. That we can simply feel really, really good, kick back, and not lift a finger. Unless your one and only intention is to feel really, really good (go you if it is—you’ve reached enlightenment 🙌🏻), this just isn’t the case.
The truth...
It’s just as important to take action as it is to get into a high-vibe emotional state. More specifically, ALIGNED action is where it’s at.
Embody the energy of your desires by taking action while in alignment with them. Small, consistent, aligned steps toward your goals, dreams, desires—whatever you want to call them—will yield BIG results in the long run.
For example, the way Ashley embodied her intention was to take aligned, consistent action toward her desire. She dedicated nearly every evening and every weekend to her blog during that time. Two years after she set the intention of working for herself, she left her psychologist position and hasn’t looked back since.
Manifestation isn’t about overnight success.
It’s about intentionally shaping your life one small action at a time while using the power of emotional alignment to multiply the results of those seemingly small actions.
I manifest my desires by intending, visualizing, aligning, and embodying them.
Apply the 4-step process outlined above to a dream or desire you currently want to manifest.