The Soul Horizon Podcast

Psychology for the Soul—gentle guidance for deep transformation. Join me each week as we explore the soul from a grounded and practical perspective, weaving together psychology and spirituality to explore life’s greatest mysteries.

We’ll journey through topics like consciousness, the nature of reality, self-reclamation + self-mastery, empowerment, living beyond illusion, ego de-centering, intuitive discernment, living in alignment with the Higher Self, and more.

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Meet ‘The Soul Horizon’ in this brief introductory episode.


Ep. 52: ‘On the Soul’ Intuitive Guidance: The Power of Stepping Into Pain

In this episode, I'm sharing insights revealed through an intuitive Q + A. The theme is around navigating painful experiences, especially those that require us to drop into uncertain territory. If you're in the process of moving through a painful experience or contemplating taking the leap into a release or a letting go that's likely to involve an emotional upheaval, this episode is for you. I hope you find it to be supportive and resonant for whatever it is you're moving through.

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Ep. 48: Returning to Wholeheartedness Through the Portal of Heartbreak

In this episode, we explore: The collective archetype of Divorce; The perils, pitfalls, and disempowerment that go hand-in-hand with the blame game and victimhood; How to resist the ego's bait and return to the heart when we're feeling hurt, betrayed, resentful, scared, etc.; How to implement heart-led boundaries; Why eliminating fear isn't the solution to our discomfort; How to leverage the transformative power of pain and heartbreak to return to our innate wholeness.

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Manifestation, Ascension Ashley Melillo Manifestation, Ascension Ashley Melillo

Ep. 46: Off the Cuff—Current energies, Lion’s Gate, Manifestation

This impromptu episode is a sort of off-the-cuff chat about current energies, healing work, and themes we're experiencing as a collective right now. 

In it, we'll talk...

Lion's Gate. Current energies, including what emotions and thoughts they're eliciting within us individually and collectively. What I'm personally doing to cultivate balance, harmony, and power within and in response to current energies. An intuitive Q + A with juicy insights and tips on making the most of the current planetary energies

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Egoic illusion Ashley Melillo Egoic illusion Ashley Melillo

Ep. 45: Head Thinking vs. Heart Thinking

If you’ve listened to The Soul Horizon for any length of time, you’ve probably heard me talk about the pitfalls of over-thinking as well as the perils of believing everything the ego says without question. The truth is that thinking is an imperative part of being human. And there's a certain type of thinking that's actually highly spiritual in nature.

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Ashley Melillo Ashley Melillo

Ep. 44: 4 Life Lessons That Always Come Knocking

In this episode, we explore four life lessons that are repeated time and time again. In knowing that these lessons present themselves in perpetuity, we can begin to soften to their guidance in a gentle, non-resistant, and surrendered kind of way. And the more we embrace this sort of openness, the more fluidly and nimbly we can move through these lessons, and the more we're able to welcome their wisdom.

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Ashley Melillo Ashley Melillo

Ep. 43: Safe Self (‘Acceptable Self’) vs. Authentic Self

In this episode, we explore the idea of 'safe self' or 'acceptable self' vs. authentic self, and how we’ll only ever be as authentic as our willingness to be rejected. In other words, our ability to show up authentically in life expands in direct proportion to our willingness to be “rejected” for who we are.

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Egoic illusion Ashley Melillo Egoic illusion Ashley Melillo

Ep. 41: ‘On the Horizon’ Check-In + Chat 2.0

This episode is a check-in and chat in episode. Topics addressed: Inner Child Healing, Generational Trauma, the wacky and wild energies of March + April 2023, another way to tap into our intuitive 'no', why fighting for unity will never work, the reason we're uncomfortable with other people's dark emotions, how our willingness to feel pain is directly related to our ability to experience pleasure.

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personal empowerment, Egoic illusion Ashley Melillo personal empowerment, Egoic illusion Ashley Melillo

Ep. 39: 4 Simple Yet Transformative Teachings

In this episode, we explore four simple yet transformative teachings that can be used to empower our lives in a deeper and more meaningful way. The four main topics we cover are: Satisfying needs; how to say 'no'; why our most sensitive triggers are the keys that unlock our deepest healing; and the quickest way to soften the voice of fear.

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Relationships, Unity Consciousness Ashley Melillo Relationships, Unity Consciousness Ashley Melillo

Ep. 38: Unconditional Love vs. Unconditional Tolerance

There’s a big difference between unconditional love and unconditional tolerance. The former fosters unity consciousness whereas the latter can lead us to linger in toxic or even dangerous situations. In this episode, we explore unconditional love, unconditional tolerance, and the vast but often overlooked differences that separate these two distinct energies.

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personal empowerment, Egoic illusion Ashley Melillo personal empowerment, Egoic illusion Ashley Melillo

Ep. 37: Thinkings vs. Feelings

The true function of feelings is to elicit healing. They arise within us to inform us. Their sole purpose is to grab our attention so that we can respond with an appropriate healing response. This typically isn't how we respond to feelings though. We typically respond to feelings—especially “negative” ones—not by feeling them but by thinking about them. In this episode, we'll explore why we do do this and what we can do to stop thinking and start feeling our feelings.

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Ashley Melillo Ashley Melillo

Ep. 34: The Chakra System

Each chakra can be thought of as an energy center or doorway that allows energy to flow between the human form and the Soul or Higher Dimensional Consciousness that animates the body. In this episode, we'll discuss the energetic container for the chakra system—the Etheric Body. As well as the Nadis, including the Sushumna, Ida, and Pingala Nadis. We'll also take a closer look at each of the nine chakras in the nine-chakra system.

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Ascension, Spiritual Awakening Ashley Melillo Ascension, Spiritual Awakening Ashley Melillo

Ep. 32: Spiritual Bypassing and the Fragmented Self

In this episode, we're talking all about 'spiritual bypassing' and how we can't reveal our wholeness when only certain aspects of ourselves are "allowed". We'll talk about what spiritual bypassing it is, why it happens, and the most common ways it shows up on the spiritual path. We'll also talk about authentic healing and ways to foster deep, transformative spiritual work.

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