Using Joy as a Compass for Intention Setting
Did you know that you have a built-in barometer that assesses how much divine guidance you’re drawing in to manifest your desires? It’s true. Keep reading to find out what it is!
“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”
Here’s what you’ll learn from this article:
How to use your emotions to guide your intentions.
Why you should follow your joy every single day.
The difference between goals and intentions.
Let’s get to it!
Each of us has built-in barometers that assess how much divine energy we’re currently drawing in to assist us in manifesting our desires.
These “barometers” are most commonly known as EMOTIONS.
It’s true. Our feelings can be used as tools to measure how on-point (or off-point) our manifestation game is.
Emotions indicate precisely how much life force we’re summoning.
For instance, a highly positive emotional response suggests that we’re welcoming in the divine energy of Source and allowing it to flow in a non-resistant, abundant manner.
On the other hand, a negative or apathetic emotional response suggests that we’re blocking divine energy or disconnected from Source.
What’s an intention-setting, alignment-seeking gal to do?
More specifically, follow your joy so that joy can find you.
That’s so important that we’ll say that again: Follow your joy so that joy can find you.
We’ve been programmed to believe that joy is always on the other side of X.
And so we’re left thinking that the only way to find joy is to wait for it. The truth? Joy can’t find us if our pursuit of it is contingent upon X.
Joy finds us once we begin to follow it.
And so, think of small, joyful moments as breadcrumbs to bigger, more sustainable J-O-Y.
Think of them as breadcrumbs from the Universe, leading you in the direction of your most meaningful intentions.
It’s tempting to believe that we can think our way to reaching our intentions.
That if we set out to do/be/feel X, that we can preemptively determine the necessary milestones along the way.
But that’s the difference between goals and intentions.
Goals require us to think and force our way to the end.
Intentions merely ask that we imagine from the end first and then follow and feel our joy until we get there.
The trick is that we have to be willing to trust in the Universe fully and completely.
More specifically, we have to be willing to trust that the seemingly insignificant but joyful breadcrumbs are, in fact, leading us to where we want to go even when we can’t see the end in sight.
Look ahead at your schedule this week and carve out time—an hour or so—to follow your joy fully and completely.
This time isn’t about being productive (at least not in the conventional sense of the word), this time is simply about seeking joy and inspiration.
We recommend doing this at the start of your day so that you reap the feel-good benefits throughout the rest of it.
And if the word “joy” doesn’t resonate with you, then swap it out for “curiosity” and find a time to follow your curiosity. Or simply seek out what raises your vibration to a higher, more receptive place.
Here’s an example of how Ashley recently followed her joy/curiosity:
Watched this inspirational video on YouTube followed by this one.
Listened to this guided meditation.
Watched this episode of The Lively Show TV.
Re-read pages from The Power of Intention*.
I make space for joy in my life. I prioritize joy over productivity.
Look at your calendar for the week ahead and carve out an hour to follow your joy without judgment.
Ingrid Fetell Lee: Where joy hides and how to find it
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