Manifestation Paths + Roadblocks
How do you know if you’re on the right path to manifesting your dreams? How do you know if you’re on the wrong path? Keep reading for our take on manifestation paths + roadblocks.
“You will know your path by the fun of it.”
Here’s what you’ll learn from this article:
What being on the ‘right’ manifestation path feels like.
How subconscious resistance interferes with your ability to manifest your dreams.
Two ways to release limiting subconscious paradigms.
Let’s get to it!
When it comes to manifesting the life you desire, how do you know if you’re on the ‘right’ path?
The truth?
The categorizations of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ are interpretations of the ego and not within the higher self’s vocabulary.
The higher self believes that ‘all is well’ all the time so long as you are expanding through the experiences you encounter.
Therefore, whatever path you are on has something to offer you and is inherently ‘right’ in that regard.
One of the fundamental rules here on ‘Earth School’ is that each of us has complete free will.
Because of this, there may be literally hundreds of potential paths that result in your soul’s expansion.
Having said this, you’ll know you’re on the path that’s most aligned with your higher self when you feel joyful and expansive a good chunk of the time.
This doesn’t mean you won’t have ‘off’ days. Even the most aligned and spiritual amongst us has experienced a case of the bleh’s.
It simply means that you choose what your heart calls you toward each day. If you’re doing that, you’re in alignment with your higher self and the path you’re on will inevitably lead you to soul-expanding places.
The ‘R’ word. You ready for this?
We’re up against two types of resistance when it comes to manifesting our desires: conscious resistance and subconscious resistance.
While we can consciously tackle conscious resistance (because hey, we’re more aware of it), tackling subconscious resistance involves a total paradigm shift.
Allow us to paint the picture...
We come into this world as blank slates and through the years, we’re indoctrinated with the beliefs, values, and narratives of those who surround us most often.
This can either work for us or against us depending on the circumstances we’re born into.
For instance, if you’re born into a family of great financial abundance, your subconscious paradigm is trained to see and expect great abundance, and you’ll carry these subconscious beliefs out into the world with you.
On the other hand, if you’re born into a family of deep financial scarcity, your subconscious paradigm is trained to see and expect great scarcity, and you’ll carry these subconscious beliefs out into the world with you.
The same principle can be applied to an infinite number of variables—resilience, fitness, relationships, etc. When it comes to subconscious paradigms, it’s (almost) all nurture and very little nature.
And until we break out of our engrained subconscious paradigm, we’ll tend to get more of what we’ve always gotten.
This isn’t to say that there aren't any exceptions, but merely to point out that the surroundings we’re born into imprint on our subconscious minds in ways that can affect the entire trajectory of our lives.
And so, to manifest our greatest desires, we must work to believe in their possibility not only on a conscious level but also on a subconscious level. Bob Proctor has an excellent speech on this topic.
Affirmations that contradict subconscious resistance read aloud many, many times each day. For instance, if you grew up expecting financial scarcity, your reprogramming affirmation might go something like this:
I am financially abundant. I have more than enough to care for myself and my loved ones. Money flows effortlessly into my life.
Visualization. As outlined above, spend a few minutes each day visualizing yourself living in a way that contradicts the subconscious resistance you’re targeting.
For instance, if you’ve always believed yourself to be a shy, meek wallflower but have a strong desire to speak to others, visualize yourself walking confidently up to a stage and speaking effortlessly to the masses. Really feel the confidence, joy, and sense of purpose this NEW you emanates.
I openly receive the blessings meant for me and gently release the beliefs that hold me back from reaching my dreams and potential.
Spend 5 minutes each day visualizing yourself in a state of pure joy and love. Take note of how you feel. Do you feel expansive and connected? If yes, continue to take steps in that direction. If not, accept and reassess.
Marie Forleo: Fear vs. Intuition
The Power of Intention*
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