Ep. 29: 11 Cosmic Laws to Live By (Part 1)


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You're probably familiar with the Law of Attraction, but did you know that there are many other spiritual laws that impact our experience here on earth? 

This is part one in a two-part series on cosmic laws. In this episode, we'll be exploring a small handful of the most fundamental of the cosmic laws, including basic laws of life and laws of creation.

Cosmic laws we’ll address in this episode include:

As Above, So Below | As Within, So Without
Free Will + Non-Interference
What You Resist Persists (Law of Resistance)
The Laws of Reflection + Projection
Appreciate Don’t Attach (Law of Attachment)
Law of Abundance
Law of Attraction
Law of Manifestation
Law of Flow
If it’s for You, it Will Find You
Intending > Wanting


Related Episodes

Episode 11—Quantum Manifestation: Accessing the Quantum Field to Create a Life You Love

Episode 10—Triggered: Using Emotional Triggers as a Roadmap to Healing

Episode 19—The Shift to the 5th Dimension: Are You Coming?


Cooper, D. (2007). *A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws. Findhorn Press.


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Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual professional psychological advice.


Ep. 30: Cosmic Laws to Live By (Part 2)


Ep. 28: Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Precognition (ESP)