The Soul Horizon Podcast
Where self meets soul—gentle guidance for deep transformation. Join me each week as we explore the soul from a grounded perspective, interweaving psychology and spirituality to explore life’s greatest mysteries. We journey through topics like consciousness, the psychospiritual nature of reality, self-reclamation + self-mastery, empowerment, awakened living, ego de-centering, intuitive discernment, the Higher Self, and more.
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Meet ‘The Soul Horizon’ in this brief introductory episode.
Ep. 20: Do You Fear Your Own Power?
Some of us fear our power because we've come to associate "power" with its ego-driven, hierarchical, and opportunistic counterpart of force. In this episode, we explore the differences between power and force and examine ways we can reclaim our power in a steady, heart-centered way so that we can more fully actualize our purpose.