Flowing with Chaos: You’re Being Guided to Honor Your Truth by Speaking It
Reading format:
For whoever reading—What’s in your root chakra, heart chakra, and crown chakra about the situation you’re currently facing?
Healing chaos / the need for chaos to release yourself from stuck or stagnant situations or energy.
Your energy—visionary, envisioning the future, envisioning speaking your truth // expressing yourself.
Change and rebirth.
The need to honor your heart’s truth through your voice / expression.
The block: You’re having difficulty letting a cycle end.
The crushing pain of indecision / the in-between—when we know in our heart something is done or a cycle is ending and yet we haven’t yet spoken our truth about it.
Your heart is guiding you clearly, it’s just a matter of expressing your truth.
Summary of guidance
Flow with chaos rather than resist it.
“Rip the bandaid off” when it comes to expressing your truth and free yourself from being stuck.
Recognize the door of opportunity and seize the chance to knock on it when it arrives—it’s meant to be.
Follow your heart.
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Disclaimer: This reading is intended for entertainment and inspirational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice or counsel.