What does it feel like to love and be loved unconditionally?
Reading format:
Unconditional Love reading—how does it feel to love and be loved unconditionally?
Questions answered in this reading:
What parts of yourself are you being called to love unconditionally (and thereby reclaim)?
What will support you in unconditionally loving and reclaiming each of these parts?
What blocks to unconditional love are you well on your way to healing?
How you’ll know that you’re experiencing an even exchange of unconditional love with another person
How will you feel receiving unconditional love?
How will you feel giving unconditional love?
Higher Self LOVE: What does your Higher Self love unconditionally about you (that you might find difficult to love)?
Reading notes
If you want to skip the introduction, fast forward to the 38-minute mark in the video. But if you have time to watch, I highly recommend watching the introduction because it lays the foundation for the entire reading. In it, I share my own experience with unconditional love.
What is unconditional love?
Unconditional love is love that’s given without conditions or requirements. Unconditional love frees another (and ourselves) to be fully themselves—to unfurl into their fullness without fear. When we love unconditionally, we love fearlessly and in a way that allows both ourselves and another to expand, heal, and reveal the fullness of their soul.
Unconditional love doesn’t mean that we don’t hold others accountable or that we don’t have self-loving boundaries. In fact, self-loving boundaries are a necessary part of being able to love ourselves and others unconditionally.
How Unconditional Love Catalyzes Transformation In Our Lives
Unconditional love is highly transformative and illuminating. It lights us up so brightly that anything that’s out of alignment within us or within our lives is quickly highlighted and brought to our attention.
It’s for this reason that unconditional love can invoke counterintuitive feelings. Because the frequency of unconditional love is so high, its presence quickly illuminates our shadows. In its presence, we’ll both feel the profundity, beauty, and awe-inspiring quality of true love and witness anything (and everything) that stands in the way of loving ourselves unconditionally too.
For this reason, we’ll often experience a push-pull sensation in the presence of unconditional love (at least at first). Our heart is drawn to its resonance of truth and yet our mind (ego) is able to see its own shadows so clearly in the presence of unconditional love that it can be painfully triggering. It’s helpful to know this so that we can recognize when this competing dynamic is unfolding within and learn to lovingly and slowly lean in rather than run away in fear.
Video: The Most Important Thing to Do When It Comes to Self-Love (Teal Swan)
“Love is an instinctual reaction or a conscious choice to pull something closer to you and include it as a part of you. So self-love could be seen as the act of pulling all parts of yourself closer to you so as to include them as a part of you. And shame, on the other hand, is an instinctual reaction to push yourself away from yourself. Therefore, shame could be seen as the exact opposite of self-love.”
—Teal Swan
*I’m no longer writing out detailed reading notes for these, because it was taking multiple hours to do so and I needed to reclaim some of my time and energy in honor of self-love. Please sense into your intuition to determine if this feels resonant for you to watch. 💛
Disclaimer: This reading is intended for entertainment and inspirational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice or counsel.