Create a Life-Changing Morning Routine
Below you’ll find a primer on how to create a powerful morning routine. We live by the principles we’ve outlined and can honestly say they’ve been game-changing in our lives.
“When something feels in sync, celebrate it as a moment of alignment. When something goes wrong, recognize it as a detour in the right direction, offering you guidance and support. Choose to see all that occurs as loving guidance.
—Gabrielle Bernstein”
Step 1
Figure out your personality type using the infographic below.
Step 2
Write down a list of morning activities that make you feel centered, fulfilled, and joyful (see below for our list of ideas).
Here are some activities you can include in your morning routine:
Take a bath or shower
Go for a walk
Exercise at home or join a group fitness class
Practice yoga
Say or write a daily intention
Write to your intuition
Listen to an uplifting podcast
Make yourself coffee or tea
Read a chapter from an inspiring book
Watch an uplifting YouTube video
Eat a nourishing breakfast in your favorite spot in the house
*For more specific examples, check out Ashley’s morning routine article.
Step 3
Create a draft morning routine and commit to practicing it for two weeks. Remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect! It also doesn’t have to be long—a short but sweet morning routine can be incredibly powerful.
Step 4
Change, add or remove when things don’t feel right.
Step 5
Keep tweaking your routine until you feel peace, flow, and ease.
Step 6
Protect your mornings. Keep them free from interruptions, email, and social media.
*Parent-friendly tip: For those of you with little ones, try waking up before your little ones do—even if it’s just 15 minutes earlier than them—and flow through your morning routine then. Or involve your little ones in your morning routine (e.g., pop them in the stroller and go for a walk).