Using Visualization + Imagination to Set Intentions
Did you know that visualization and imagination are two of the most powerful tools you have to take your dreams from mind candy to manifested? Keep reading to find out why and how.
“You get what you intend to create by being in harmony with the power of intention, which is responsible for all of creation.”
Here’s what you’ll gain from this article:
The spiritual definition of ‘intention’.
Our #1 tip to connecting to the field of intention.
2 resources to guide your intention setting practice.
Let’s get to it!
To understand the concept of intention setting, it helps to first understand the meaning of intention.
From a purely personal-growth perspective, intention can be defined as a strong purpose or aim wrought from individual will. However, from a spiritual perspective, intention is something quite the opposite.
In the words of Carlos Castaneda, “Intent is a force that exists in the universe. When those who live of the Source beckon intent, it comes to them and sets up the path for attainment…”
And so, from a spiritual perspective, intent is the foundation for co-creating with the Universe.
When you set an intention, you call in support from the Universe, which then responds with divine intervention.
What we’re saying here is...
If priming is the foundation for spiritual wellness, intention setting is the blueprint for it.
When you set clear intentions, you never have to travel alone—the Universe will be right there alongside you, lighting the path as you go.
Setting clear intentions that align with the energy of our desires is a transformational practice.
Plus, if we don’t know where we’re going, how can we expect to get much of anywhere?
We’re the creators of our life. But sometimes things get in the way of our ability to live purposefully.
For instance, we might unintentionally let the opinions of others creep in and take root, even when those opinions are misaligned with our values.
Or we might grow so used to the safety of our autopilot routine that we forget to check-in to evaluate whether or not the life we’re living is the one we actually want to live.
When we set clear intentions, we create a roadmap for our soul’s deepest desires and call in the support of the Universe. This powerful practice then serves to guide both small and big actions in everyday life.
Once we’ve elevated our thoughts to that of a higher vibration (thanks to a solid priming practice), we can then shape those thoughts into meaningful intentions.
Our #1 intention-setting tip: Connect to your intentions through your imagination.
“Your imagination allows you the fabulous luxury of thinking from the end. There’s no stopping anyone who can think from the end.”
—Dr. Wayne Dyer, The Power of Intention
By imagining and envisioning the end first, we begin to align our emotions with it. And once our emotions are aligned with it, our behaviors begin to align with it, too.
“In imagination, dwell on the end, fully confident that it’s there in the material world and that you can use the ingredients of the all-creative Source to make it tangible… Become indifferent to doubt and to the call of your will. Remain confident that through continued reliance on your imagination, your assumptions are materializing into reality.”
—Dr. Wayne Dyer, The Power of Intention
Something we personally love to do is to take time each week to review our hopes and dreams. Afterall, the more we envision our intentions, the more we align with the energy of our desires and the more momentum we build to fulfill them.
Every Sunday, we close our eyes and spend time imagining.
We envision our future self in as much detail as possible, predominantly focusing on how we want to feel as well as the energy our future self emits.
We envision our future home. Again, focusing on how it feels. We envision our relationships and how we want them to feel, and so on.
Then, we look at our planners for the week ahead and write down small, tangible future actions that align with our broader intentions.
Specifically, we focus on calling in the actions that feel in alignment with that vision of our future self. Think: Meditation, spiritual reading + research, purposeful movement, connection, gratitude.
And perhaps most importantly, we surrender the rest to the hands of the Universe and trust that we don’t need to will anything to happen. We merely have to remain open to possibility.
I intend to connect to the field of intention and trust in the guidance I receive from the Universe.
Close your eyes, place your hand over your heart, and visualize your future self several years out. What does her energy feel like? What energy is she putting out into the world? How does she interact with others? Visualize your future self in as much detail as possible. Once you’re done, think of an intention that aligns with your future self and write down one (or more) small actions you can take to match that intention.
Intention: I am radiant, open, and lit up in my interactions with others.
Small action: Offer a warm “hello” to a stranger today.
The Power of Intention* by Dr. Wayne Dyer
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear* by Elizabeth Gilbert
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