How to Get Into Alignment Every Day
Do you have that burning, restless feeling that the time has come to stop living reactively and to start living on purpose?
You’re in good company—us too.
Keep reading to find out our #1 rule for living on purpose every. single. day.
“Line up your energy as often as you can. If two to three times per day, you can stop and find 68 seconds of pure thought about something, you’ve put in a very productive day.”
Here’s what you’ll learn from this article:
How to make the shift from living reactively to living on purpose.
How to tune into the emotional frequency of your habits.
Our #1 rule for getting into alignment.
Let’s get to it!
As we mentioned in this article, like attracts like. In other words, we get what we put out. And if we want “good” things, we must first put out “good” energy.
Most of us live reactively. We wake up, something happens, we think thoughts that trigger emotions, and those emotions dictate the way our entire day unfolds.
It’s time to stop living reactively and start living on purpose.
Our emotions don’t have to hinge on the happenings of each day. We can create a climate of uplifting emotions and then allow the day to unfold. This is our place of power.
We can’t control everything that happens in our life, but we can control the way we react.
And the best way to gain control over our reactions is to first lift our emotional frequency to a higher place.
Instead of waking up and allowing the day to happen TO us, we can wake up, get into alignment, and allow the day to happen FOR us.
We don’t have to wait/hope/pray for events to make us feel inspired (or happy). We can feel inspired and then take action from that high-vibe state. And from that higher emotional place, we will draw better feeling things into our lives.
Again, like attracts like. Are we making sense here?
Start with your morning habits.
What are the things you do each morning that sap your emotional energy? Check email? Scroll through social media and compare?
What are the things you do each morning that inspire a sense of connection and lift your emotional energy?
Make two lists.
A good way to determine which habits are sapping vs. which habits are lifting is to close your eyes, put your hand over your heart, and think about each one individually.
As you think about each habit, notice which ones make you clench, tighten up, or feel closed off—those are sapping your emotional energy. Notice which ones make you feel open, expansive, and connected—those are lifting your emotional energy.
Once you’ve taken inventory, you might notice that your morning is filled with habits that fall into the “sapping energy” category. That’s totally OK (and we’ve been there). That means it’s only up from here!
In order to align yourself with the limitless power of the universe, you have to know what the Universe feels like.
And what does the Universe feel like? It feels FUN.
You’ll find your greatest sense of alignment with the Universe through the power of presence, flow, and FUN.
Which means all you need to do to raise your vibration is to start your day by doing the things that feel fun and bring you joy. Seriously, alignment can and should be fun!
And we want to clarify that getting into alignment isn’t about being “productive” (at least not in the conventional sense of the word).
Getting into alignment is purely about elevating your emotional state to a higher, more receptive place.
Don’t be surprised if your ego speaks up and tries to make you feel guilty for following your fun.
When Ashley first implemented a morning routine, her ego often jumped in and said things like, “Alright, enough relaxing, time to get on with the day. You have things to cross off that to-do list!” It was a nagging sense of obligation that starkly contrasted the genuine joy and alignment she intuitively felt while moving through her routine each morning. And it took time to let those feelings go.
Ironically, slowing down and taking time to get aligned (about an hour each day) has made her twice as productive when it comes to to-do’s as well.
Moral of the story: Aligned action is far more effortless and powerful than misaligned action.
Have fun!
Each person’s path to alignment is as unique as a snowflake. What feels aligned and joyful to some may feel quite the opposite to others.
Point being: You do you.
Having said that, here’s how I like to get into alignment each morning:
Before I dive into work each day, I sit down at my desk and spend about an hour getting into alignment. My “aligning” activities vary, but my go-to’s are:
10–20 minutes guided meditation. I’m loving this one lately.
20–30 minutes spiritual reading and annotating. I’m currently rereading this book*.
10–20 minutes watching inspiring Youtube videos OR writing to my intuition.
A minute or two reciting intentions/affirmations.
I begin each day by elevating my emotions to an aligned place. From there, I take aligned action with all that comes my way.
Spend 10–20 minutes doing whatever it is that feels FUN to you this morning. Notice how your days unfolds and observe your emotional frequency throughout it. Take note of habits that feel draining, take note of habits that feel expansive and uplifting.
List 5 things that are effortlessly fun for you right now or spark your curiosity.
A Beginner’s Guide to the Universe*
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