Quantum Manifestation: Co-Create a Life You Love with the Power of the Quantum Field
Manifestation is the idea that we're capable of creating our reality through our thoughts and feelings. You might know it as Law of Attraction or 'The Secret'. The Secret, though, mostly zeroed in on manifesting material gain—money, houses, shiny objects. In this article, we take a broader, more holistic look at manifestation. We also dig below the surface to examine the interplay between quantum mechanics and manifestation, and how to create a signal so clear, so concise that it reaches into the quantum field and pulls our desires into physical reality before our eyes.
“The Universe is immaterial—mental and spiritual. Live, and enjoy.”
here’s what you’ll learn in this article:
The difference between Newtonian reality and Quantum reality.
The difference between Newtonian manifestation and Quantum manifestation.
How to create a clear and coherent quantum signal and manifest a life you’ll love.
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Table of Contents
What is Manifestation?
Newtonian Physics vs. Quantum Physics
Newtonian Manifestation vs. Quantum Manifestation
Caveats and Exclusions to Manifestation // Law of Attraction
6-Step Process to Powerful Quantum Manifestation
Inhabiting the Feeling of the Ideal You
What Signal Are You Broadcasting?
Sources and Continued Reading
What is manifestation?
Manifestation is the idea that we’re capable of creating our reality through our thoughts and feelings.
It’s also known as Law of Attraction.
If you’ve seen the movie The Secret, that’s a popularized depiction of manifestation. Think: Positive thoughts, vision boards, etc.
The Secret, though, mostly zeroed in on manifesting material gain—money, houses, shiny objects. It oversimplified the concept and oriented it around the physical, three-dimensional world.
In this article, we'll be taking a broader, more holistic look at manifestation.
We'll also begin to dig below the surface to examine the interplay between quantum mechanics and manifestation.
Speaking of quantum mechanics... let’s pivot to the topic of physics...
For the sake of keeping things as straightforward as possible, we'll be discussing Newtonian Physics vs. Quantum Physics, but know that there’s a lot in between, including Einstein's theory of General Relativity.
The usefulness of comparing newtonian physics to quantum physics is that the two are in such stark contrast to one another that they highlight one another’s differences with immense clarity.
As we move through this comparison, keep in mind that newtonian physics has been abandoned by most modern physicists. Quantum physics is the prevailing approach to understanding the Universe and its many parts.
Interestingly though, the trickle down of this shift in understanding—from the field of physics to every other field of study—takes time.
Systems are notoriously slow to respond. Meaning that even though quantum mechanics is the prevailing perspective of reality in the world of physics, most of us still perceive of the world in a very newtonian way.
Especially when it comes to our understanding of our own bodies, minds, and energy. For example, the modern medical system, unfortunately, still operates as if we're living in a Newtonian reality. Even though physics proves we're not.
But that's a tangent for another time.
Let's get into the differences between Newtonian physics and Quantum physics.
As we move through this comparison, think about your current understanding of reality. Which way do you lean—Newtonian or Quantum?
Newtonian Physics vs. Quantum Physics
Newtonian Physics
Newtonian physics or classical physics is causal. Meaning that the past allows us to compute the future.
The theory took shape when Newton developed his theory of gravity.
The Newtonian perspective takes a very three-dimensional approach to physics. Think: width, height, and depth.
Newtonian physics applies to macroscopic particles. Atoms. Physical matter. Density.
Clockwork universe. From a Newtonian perspective, physical reality ticks forward in time. It's linear.
There’s a strong emphasis on the physical nature of reality—i.e., the Universe is made out of matter, matter is formed by clusters of atoms, and atoms have physical structure to them.
Newtonian physics is very much based on what we can perceive of with our physical human senses.
Newtonian Reality
Reality is that which I can see, touch, taste, hear, and physically touch.
Newtonian reality is physical reality as we perceive of it and measure it through the limitations of our physical senses.
Limited reality, limited outcomes.
Quantum Physics
Currently, most physicists embrace quantum physics as the most useful theory.
From this perspective, the Universe is made out of energy. Atoms have no, or very limited, physical structure.
Quantum physics applies to microscopic particles. Subatomic. Energetic.
Counterintuitive. Whereas newtonian physics can predict a future outcome, quantum physics acknowledges that all probabilities exist in the form of energetic potential.
Quantum Reality
Multidimensional reality that exists predominantly beyond our physical human senses.
All probabilities exist as waves of probability.
Beyond space and time.
Non-linear time. From the quantum perspective, time is an illusion made possible by the limitations of the body's senses.
From a quantum perspective, we are pure conscious awareness—a fragment of the divine whole. No-thing and yet every-thing at once. Based in a limitless reality.
The Simplest Explanation
Newtonian is linear, quantum is holistic.
Newtonian: The world we perceive of is made of solid matter.
Quantum: The world we perceive of is made of energy.
The truth is that when we examine physical matter at the subatomic level, it isn't physical at all... it's energetic. Which means that we aren't physical beings, we're energetic beings.
However, the quantum perspective reveals that the universe is an integration of interdependent energy fields that are entangled in a meshwork of interactions.
Bruce H. Lipton, PhD
Newtonian vs. Quantum Manifestation
Newtonian Manifestation
Newtonian manifestation is all about action, action, action.
Newtonian manifestation is highly focused on the physical, three-dimensional world and is thus forceful. Meaning that it’s predicated on the belief that we manifest what we want when we apply persistent force through outward action and movement.
Newtonian manifestation is all about action. Cause and effect. It’s the idea that if we work hard enough, our dreams will be made manifest. This is a very controlling, ego-reliant way to transform our desires from idea to physical reality.
From this perspective, we believe we have to do it all ourselves.
This is, of course, possible but exhausting. Because it's all about forcing the outcome to occur through the limited resources of physical, three-dimensional space.
If we approach manifestation with this mindset, we believe that the outcome of our efforts rests entirely on our shoulders and our shoulders along (without assistance from the quantum field). Because of this, we tend to manifest from a place of fear and seek certainty through our actions—we stick to what’s known instead of trusting in the process and leaping.
This form of manifestation feels heavy and dense, because we are literally trying to manifest within the density of the three-dimensional world.
We're skeptical, closed off, and disconnected from our quantum power. We're either unaware that our thoughts and feelings form our future reality or we're in denial about it.
Quantum Manifestation
Quantum manifestation is a combined effort in which our clearly visualized desires are collapsed into physical reality with assistance from the Zero Point Field (ZPF).
Quantum manifestation is far more powerful than Newtonian. Instead of forcing our way to a desired outcome, we align our power with the power of the ZPF.
Quantum manifestation combines our desires, emotions, and efforts and welcomes in the assistance of the quantum field.
In the words of Dr. Joe Dispenza, instead of cause and effect we're causing an effect.
In quantum manifestation, we recognize that we're co-creating our reality with the assistance of universal intelligence. We surrender our desires to the unknown and trust the process.
Particle reality is solidified into physical existence by the collapsing of specific waves that we've aligned ourselves with through the quantum signal we create with our thoughts (mind) and feelings (body).
This form of manifestation feels expansive, flexible, and fluid. We’re leveraging the energetic power of higher dimensional (less dense) frequencies to anchor our desires into physical, three-dimensional reality. We're trusting, open, and connected.
Note: The above chart by Dr. Joe Dispenza can help put a visual to this rather abstract concept (the slower the wave, the more dense the experience).
Caveats to Manifestation
Pre-Incarnation Decisions
In addition to the outcomes we intentionally (or unintentionally) manifest, it's important to note that certain circumstances and situations we experience in our lifetime are decided upon by our souls before we incarnate here.
In other words, there's a rough outline for our life with a few key and necessary happenings, and then we're left to fill in the rest through the power of free will and manifestation.
Unfortunately, this idea has often been ignored or forgotten about in common conversations about manifestation, which is why some people are so turned off by the idea of law of attraction // manifestation.
I don't blame them.
Telling someone that the reason they're sick with a disease or facing some truly terrible life circumstance is because they manifested it is harmful and also incredibly disempowering.
Much of our experience here in the physical plane is protected by the law of free will, which means that we have a say in what's brought into our reality.
However, prior to moving into each incarnation, our souls outline certain key events and scenarios that they would like to experience in order to evolve.
It might seem odd that a soul would choose to experience something horrific or devastating, but it's important to remember that at the soul level all experiences are neutral—they aren't perceived as good or bad like we tend to perceive of them through the lens of the human mind. And yet, the soul knows that certain experiences are likely to lead to more evolution and growth.
And evolution is the most fundamental goal at the soul level. It's the entire point to incarnating here on earth.
Evolution always is connected to love.
Channeled by Paulette M. Reymond
Just as diamonds are formed by pressure, here on earth, our souls evolve most profoundly through the process of navigating certain trials and tribulations.
If everything is easy, there's little growth.
Key takeaway: When something comes into your life that just doesn't make sense, remember that it may have actually been a scenario your soul agreed to before you incarnated. It may be something that your human mind would never willingly choose to experience and yet your soul chose it so that it could evolve through the experience.
I read in a book once that there is a HUGE waiting list of souls that hope to incarnate into bodies with severe disabilities, because there is so much soul evolution that occurs in those incarnations. Not only for the soul incarnating into the body, but also for the souls who incarnate alongside the individual as family members, friends, teachers, etc.
Soul Contracts
We also have contracts with other souls that we make contact with during this lifetime, whether in our families or mere passersby. We choose these interactions to facilitate the growth of our own soul or for the sake of all souls involved in the contract.
Sometimes a soul will agree to take on a certain circumstance or situation not for their own evolution but for the evolution of another soul (or souls) they come into contact with in this incarnation.
This is often the case with infants that pass shortly after birth. The soul that incarnated, albeit briefly, likely agreed to the experience not for its own evolution but to honor a soul contract with the parents—one that would facilitate immense evolution within their souls. Oftentimes, the original soul quickly returns to earth in another incarnation, either in the body of another child to the same parents or in another family that has a connection to the parents (or will have one in the future).
How to Leverage the Power of Quantum Manifestation
Clear Intention or Imagination + A Matching Emotion = Powerful Manifestation.
This is fifth-dimensional manifestation. Contrast this with three-dimensional "manifestation," which is forcing or controlling an outcome by sheer will.
Quantum manifestation means we're creating our life as opposed to merely surviving it. And we're welcoming in the assistance of the Universe or Source to do so.
If thoughts are energy and physical matter is 99.9999% energy, then thoughts can most certainly materialize in the physical world.
Hard work is not the path to Well-Being. Feeling good is the path to Well-Being. You don’t create through action; you create through vibration. And then, your vibration calls action from you.
Abraham Hicks
6-Step Process to Quantum Manifestation
Step 1. Create a Clear Quantum Signal
The quantum signal is a fusion of the frequencies from both the mind and body.
Simply put, it's the combination of our intentions, desires, or dreams and the feelings that inhabit our body.
Thoughts/intentions/desires + feelings = our quantum signal.
According to Dr. Joe Dispenza:
Thoughts = electrical charge; emotions = magnetic charge.
In other words, the thoughts we think send an electric signal into the field (clarify), the feelings we feel magnetically draw events to us (attract).
Incoherent Quantum Signal
An incoherent signal is created when we’re thinking one way and feeling another.
An incoherent signal is an inefficient signal. Thus, the results we receive are likely mixed—some desired, some undesired.
Coherent Quantum Signal
A coherent signal is created when our thoughts are consistent with our feelings, and the desired outcome is clearly visualized.
This is the most powerful type of signal.
The results we receive are likely to be consistently desired or undesired.
Important Note
An incoherent signal doesn't necessarily mean that you're manifesting negative experiences. It merely means that your signal is wonky and unclear. Thus, you're manifesting a mixed bag.
Example: You have clear visualizations and dreams of becoming a world-renowned marine biologist. Yet, because of subconscious limiting beliefs, you feel unworthy of this achievement.
i.e., Your thought-based desires are clear, but your feelings are not on par with these thoughts, thus you’re sending out an incoherent quantum signal.
Likewise, a coherent signal doesn't necessarily mean that you're manifesting positive experiences. It means that your signal, whether positive or negative, is very clear.
Meaning that both your thought-based desires and your feelings are precisely aligned. This sends a clear message to the quantum field, alerting it to draw down into physical reality the materialized experiences that are a match to the signal you're broadcasting.
Step 2. Create Quantum Momentum
Once we create a coherent quantum signal, it’s important to sustain it—day after day, week after week, and month after month.
Step 3. Experience Quantum Gratitude
Simply put, Quantum Gratitude anchors future gratitude into the present moment.
In other words, we imagine the feeling of gratitude we'll feel when the desired outcome manifests in physical reality and we feel it right now, in the present moment.
Quantum gratitude is being so profoundly grateful in the present moment that we sever our attachment to any future outcomes.
We find so much joy here, in the now and with present circumstances, that we aren't reliant on a future outcome to feel joyful, fulfilled, etc.
Ironically, this magnetizes the future outcome to us because the present emotional experience is aligned with the imagined outcome, therefore creating a coherent quantum signal.
This is quantum gratitude.
Contrast this with three-dimensional gratitude which relies on the outcome in order to feel grateful. Unfortunately, this often repels the outcome from manifesting itself because our feelings are misaligned with our desire, therefore the quantum signal is incoherent.
When you are in a state of gratitude, you transmit a signal into the field that an event has already occurred.
—Dr. Joe Dispenza
Step 4. Quantum Surrender
Once you’ve visualized what you want, aligned with the feeling of that desire, and expressed gratitude as if it's already your reality, then it’s time to surrender the details to the care of the Universe.
In other words, you address the 'what' and let the quantum field (i.e., universal intelligence) address the 'how'.
The act of surrendering also involves deep trust.
Trust that there is plentiful abundance, there is divine assistance, and that there’s a greater intelligence at play that is capable of orchestrating the seemingly linear events of reality in a way that supports your visions, dreams, and desires.
Step 5. Accessing the Quantum Key
To directly access the quantum field and anchor in the outcome we desire, we must enter a similar state of being.
In other words, the key to unlock the door to quantum manifestation is to become so aligned with the thoughts and emotions that inhabit our desired outcome that we're genuinely feeling as if the outcome already exists in this physical, three-dimensional reality.
To manifest your desires in this physical reality, you must first become them.
When you do this, you reach into the quantum realm—the realm of all probabilities—and you anchor in the desired outcome. You become a magnet for it—attracting it and pulling it into this physical reality from all potentials.
The quantum key is reaching beyond our current circumstances as well as beyond our habitual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and reaching into the quantum realm to what it is we desire to manifest, think, feel, and do.
Example of using the quantum key: You're so worried about something—stuck in a cycle of ruminative thoughts —that you disconnect your awareness from your body (you're no longer consciously aware of how you feel in space), your environment (the external world dims), and time (you lose track of how long you've been tuned out). This state of being completely immersed in your internal world unlocks the quantum door. You're then reaching into the quantum realm and anchoring outcomes/experiences into your future reality.
Just as the world of worry can be created within, so can the world of our desires.
Step 6. Quantum Surprises + Divine Synchronicities
The way that our desires ultimately manifest often catches us off-guard or by surprise.
Meaning that we couldn't have predicted it and we certainly couldn't have willed it to happen in the physical, three-dimensional world.
Instead, we became so aligned, so coherent in the signal we were broadcasting that our intention reached into the quantum field and pulled through the serendipitous circumstances required to make it happen.
Inhabiting the Feeling of the Ideal You
Who is the ideal you? What does she look like? What energy does she radiate? How does she dress? How does she make others feel?
Envision your ideal self with such clarity that you become her in the moment. This unlocks the door to the quantum realm and allows you to anchor in that variation of yourself.
Really feel how that you feels. And carry that feeling out into the world with you now. That’s the key to manifesting that version of yourself. Act and feel 'as if' right now.
If you have trouble envisioning your ideal self in the here and now, it can help to imagine what you would most like your life to look like five years off in the future.
What does the future you look like inside and out? How does she feel? The more detail you can infuse into this visualization exercise, the better.
“The quantum field responds not to what we want; it responds to who we are being.”
What Signal Are You Broadcasting?
Take a moment to think about the signal you're currently broadcasting into the quantum field.
What desires, dreams, and goals do you think about the most?
How do you feel about these desires and about yourself?
What do you daydream about? And how do you feel most of the time?
Does your current quantum signal match up with that ideal self that you envisioned a moment ago?
Is your signal coherent? Meaning, are your desires and feelings a match for one another?
Or is your signal incoherent? Meaning, are your desires and the feelings in your body competing with one another in some way?
If your signal is incoherent, begin to consider what you might need to shift—mind or emotion—in order to create a coherent signal that aligns with the vision of your ideal self.
Dispenza, J. (2018). Breaking the habit of being yourself: How to lose your mind and create a new one. Hay House.
Lipton, B. (2005). The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles. Hay House.
Swart, T. (2019). The Source: The Secrets of the Universe, the Science of the Brain. HarperOne.
Continued Reading
Chart: Dr. Bruce H. Lipton Information Flow Newtonian vs. Quantum
Chart: Dr. Joe Dispenza—movement from thought to energy to matter.
Article: Why is Quantum Biology Still Being Ignored by Conventional Medicine?
Article: Relativity versus quantum mechanics: the battle for the universe
Article: Timeline: the history of gravity
Article: How Einstein's general theory of relativity killed off common-sense physics
Article: Quantum vs. Classical
Article: This is Why Quantum Field Theory is More Fundamental than Quantum Mechanics
Post: Getting Beyond the Self