What’s to Come

Below is a collection of automatic writings intuited on 7/2/2020 through a Q + A format.

Notes: Paragraph spacing and bolding were added by me for clarity, ease of reading, and to call attention to certain aspects of the message.

This Q + A is what came through when I went into automatic writing without any idea for a topic in mind. Something about this one in particular makes me feel extra vulnerable—or at least it makes my ego feel this way. It feels a bit more “out there” I suppose. The Shakespearian wordiness has something to do with it and also the fact that there’s a lot I can’t personally explain or put meaning to. The unknown always feels a bit uncomfortable. On that note, here it is…

Hello. We are here with you now. We are calling forth the ever-present being within you to communicate with us so that we may then communicate through you. Make way for transparency and the veil lifting of the ego, because the personality seeks to block what it cannot comprehend but we ask that in this instance you release the ego to make way for that which cannot be understood through its limited parameters.

Point taken. What would you like to convey today?

We would like to convey that there is a new rising. An expanding. A pulling forth of that which is into the state of consciousness of that which may become.

We do not mean by this that there isn’t a way forth now but that there is a path which is becoming ever present in the current time-space continuum that will make way for that which needs to come forth in the future.

You may not understand this now, but you will going forward.

That which is known to us is known to you but only in a time frame that is in concordance with the understanding of this physical body in which you inhabit on this earthly plane.

And so your understandings are bound not by what you think you know but by what you are and by the limitations of this earthly body.

Is there a message you’d like to convey for all?

The message we convey for all is to be not what you are but what you can become.

In this we mean, release the limitations of your current state of being by opening to that which is limitless so that you, too, may expand forward with the rising of consciousness.

We do not wish to force or push this on you, but rather advise that you remain open to what is to come so that you may greet it with flexibility and compassion rather than confusion or anger.

Because for those who perceive of this world as limited to that which they can see, touch, feel, there will be great confusion [in the coming times].

But for those who perceive of this world as just one infinitesimally small fraction of a greater reality, there will be a much greater understanding of that which is unfolding.

For you are not limited to the confines of this reality or any reality but only by the multidimensional, infinitely capable width of all that is.

And so you see that in this way, you are not limited at all except for by those confines that the mind imposes upon you.

It is only in failing to seek a more limitless perspective that the mind further limits itself to that which it thinks it is, but the soul knows much more.

There is so much to be gained when the mind’s barriers are broken down and the light of reality—the real reality—pours in and onto, illuminating consciousness for the beacon of unlimited potential that it really is.

It is the mind’s perceptions of what it thinks it is not that become the reality you experience in your day-to-day.

And so it is of benefit to those who experience these limited perceptions to break through the reality they see before them and move, through the mind’s eye, to a much greater, wider, vaster understanding of that which ultimately is.

Thank you for this. Can you expand upon what is to come in the future?

Yes. For in the shattering of that which is as it seems now, there will be a great upheaval. A rising of consciousness, yes, but not without its pains and its trials.

There are so few who grasp of the greater understanding of what surrounds them that the reality of what actually is behind the veil can be quite shocking.

For those of you who have been slowly, deliberately urging your consciousness forth into a greater understanding of this reality, there will be less ‘growing pains’ as you say.

But for those who jump into the chasm of the experience and this new reality (new to ‘them’, anyway), there will be a perceived loss of control as the ‘I’ that they’ve known is lost in the beautiful fury of what it has become.

But in actuality, it has not become anything because it always was.

And so it is actually the falling away of illusions and the revealing of a more profound reality that causes this pain.

Isn’t this ironic?

That the loss of the illusory self is more painful than the denial of that which has always been?

To realize and acknowledge now that which has always been is a slow and progressive stepping toward the truth in a way that the mind does not perceive so starkly of its loss of self.

In this way, you trick the mind—because it’s so easily fooled—into believing it’s in control of this adventure of self-discovery (as it thinks), only for it then to realize that it’s actually been chipping away at itself to reveal the real you.

The limitless, eternal version of ‘self’ that isn’t identifiably different than those who surround it but rather part of a fluid, flowing, limitless collection of energetic consciousness that has chosen to divide itself for the mere sake of returning to this elemental truth.

And through the discovery of this truth, the collective consciousness finds itself more deeply, more profoundly than it had before.

And this is the expansion that is all for being.

For it is through the discovery of what always was that one and all reclaim the power of that which always has been.

Funny how we have to forget in order to remember.


Going Within and Releasing “Minding”


Racial Divides + Injustice