Going Within and Releasing “Minding”

Below is a collection of automatic writings intuited on 9/21/2020.

Notes: Paragraph spacing and bolding were added by me for clarity, ease of reading, and to call attention to certain aspects of the message. This message came through a bit more pointed and loud than usual. Typically, the messages that come through are softer and more “we’re here if you need us” in tone. This one, however, was more of a 👏🏻 listen up 👏🏻 tone. Still loving and yet bolder than usual.

Also, take note of the use of ‘self’ (small self) versus ‘Self’ (large self) throughout. There is meaning in the difference.

And when we can reach into the state of consciousness that perceives of itself as whole, meaningful, connected, we can tap into the pure wisdom of that which is and always has been. It is from there that we can make manifest that which we believe to be relevant to the coming of the world as it is.

Seek not without but within to fortify the strength of your being and return to love in a way that bears the greatest meaning for all of society.

It is in seeking without that one dilutes the purpose of the greater unfolding and the unfolding within the individual’s heart as well.

Be here with us now so that you may sense the resonance emerging from these words.

What would be useful for us to know in this moment?

It would be useful for you to know that there is an unfolding of self occurring right here.

In the seeking of this information, there is a coming to that which bears meaning and understanding in the light of the greatest lights of wisdom and truth.

For the truth is not always known to those who claim to seek it, but it is turning within and aligning with the essence, the soul, the Self that there is an emergence of truth from the realm within.

One often thinks about truth as being outside of the Self and yet it is always within. This is why we say to you that the greatest discerner of Truth is the one who goes within to find it.

The discovery of Self is ultimately the discovery of Truth. And so we urge each of you reading this now to seek within for that will bring change without. 

The wisdom that is coming through now is potent and informing and flexible and changing at the same time. You see how it can be all at once? The time-space perception of what this information holds bears more meaning to the individual evolving forward than it will to the individual who is stagnant and stuck.

For the one evolving will find within it the nuggets of Truth that the Self recognizes as it looks and gazes into the mirror of Selfhood. 

There is an unfolding before you that bears great potency. Great meaning. Trust in the process and know that through Uncertainty there becomes certainty which then shifts back to uncertainty and yet it is this fluid, flexing, malleable state of being that bears the greatest fruits as you may think of them.

It is in trusting in what is unknown that the known can make itself manifest and that the gifts of your highest Self can emerge most meaningfully for not only you but most importantly for others.

And that is why we say to you now that you’d all do yourself and the world a great service by being still and going within to seek that which you are searching for. It is not necessarily in the outward actions of your being that you are creating with meaning but rather within the internal dialogue of Self that the meaning emerges from seemingly thin air. 

Is there a message you’d like to share?

Be here and be still. That is our message for the time being.

For there is so much scurrying about in the heads of this population at the current time (*time* as you perceive of it, that is).

There is a rushing, a searching, a jolting, a tiring and endless toll that the mind has taken upon itself to infuse into the state of being at the moment.

And yet we’d say this isn’t being at all but minding.

Minding, minding, minding. Minding will be the end of us all if we don’t begin being. For there is so much distrust and illusion that comes from the state of “minding” as we’re calling it right here.

And yet do you know what we mean by minding? We mean that minding is paying more attention to the mind than the Soul. It is attending so specifically to the orientation and perceptions of the mind in THIS moment that the state of being is lost and unreachable.

What a state to exist in. This is causing so much suffering at the moment.

All of these beliefs and politics… it’s too much minding and not enough being.

We are here to remind you each that if you take time to be each day, you will find that your addiction to minding softens, weakens, and makes way for the internal stillness to emerge. And through that internal stillness, that our friends, is where you’ll find yourSelf.

That Self is what is needed to move forward with meaning.

Release your beliefs in exchange for true Meaning. That is where you’ll reunite with the essence that is and also that was and will be.

Stop paying mind to the mind and begin being still within the heart. Hear its whispers and trust that they’re there for a reason.

When something feels “bad” to the mind, it is a reminder to the heart of that which feels good.

And yet you all continue to seek and perpetuate that which feels bad to the mind. Is this not the greatest illusion of all time? What chaos this confirms.

What lack of clarity can we discern from this chaos? We’d discern that the mind seeks suffering.

We know this, yes we do. And you do too as we say it here and yet the mind says, “Well why would I do that?” And yet it, too, knows it to be true even through the veils of its grand illusions of claiming to seek only what is best for itself.

And yet you see that in sustaining itself, the mind sustains its own suffering. 


Seeking Truth vs. Allowing Truth


What’s to Come