The Soul Horizon Podcast

Where self meets soul—gentle guidance for deep transformation. Join me each week as we explore the soul from a grounded perspective, interweaving psychology and spirituality to explore life’s greatest mysteries. We journey through topics like consciousness, the psychospiritual nature of reality, self-reclamation + self-mastery, empowerment, awakened living, ego de-centering, intuitive discernment, the Higher Self, and more.

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Meet ‘The Soul Horizon’ in this brief introductory episode.

Limiting Beliefs, personal empowerment Ashley Melillo Limiting Beliefs, personal empowerment Ashley Melillo

Ep. 18: The Haze of Monotony

When we become accustomed to something—person, place, thing, or experience—the mind has a tendency to forget the magic that it felt when it was new and novel. As we move along in life and our schedules solidify, we settle down, and we tuck into routines, a haze of monotony can move in on our lives. When this happens, life loses that glisten, that glimmer. Sometimes we recognize this shift and lean into our edges to re-illuminate life with magic. But more often than not, we accept monotony as normal. In this episode, we explore why the mind is prone to seeing monotony over magic and what we can do to reignite that invigorating life SPARK.

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Manifestation, Law of Attraction Ashley Melillo Manifestation, Law of Attraction Ashley Melillo

Ep. 11: Quantum Manifestation

Manifestation is the idea that we're capable of creating our reality through our thoughts and feelings. You might know it as Law of Attraction or 'The Secret'. The Secret, though, mostly zeroed in on manifesting material gain—money, houses, shiny objects. In this episode, we dig below the surface to examine the interplay between quantum mechanics and manifestation, and how to create a signal so clear, so concise that it reaches into the quantum field and pulls our desires into physical reality before our eyes.

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