The Soul Horizon Podcast

Where self meets soul—gentle guidance for deep transformation. Join me each week as we explore the soul from a grounded perspective, interweaving psychology and spirituality to explore life’s greatest mysteries. We journey through topics like consciousness, the psychospiritual nature of reality, self-reclamation + self-mastery, empowerment, awakened living, ego de-centering, intuitive discernment, the Higher Self, and more.

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Meet ‘The Soul Horizon’ in this brief introductory episode.

Limiting Beliefs, Purpose Ashley Melillo Limiting Beliefs, Purpose Ashley Melillo

Ep. 22: Stop Tomorrow-ing Your Life Away

Tomorrow-ing, quite simply, is the verb form of tomorrow. It’s what we do when we don’t do things today because we believe we’ll miraculously be more capable or willing to do them tomorrow. We think tomorrow is the answer when in reality it’s the problem. Too often, ‘tomorrow’ becomes a catch-all for everything our instincts told us to do today. In this episode, we unravel the 'why' behind tomorrow-ing and pull the rug out from under its supposed utility. We also discuss several practical ways to combat tomorrow-ing and start today-ing.

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