Dark Night of the Soul reading—Supportive insights, guidance, and praise as you move through the ‘Dark Night’

Reading format:

Dark Night of the Soul reading—supportive guidance and insights on moving through the ‘Dark Night’

Questions answered in this reading:

  1. What’s your current energy when it comes to navigating this Dark Night of the Soul (DNoS)?

  2. What’s the greater spiritual purpose of this DNoS for you?

  3. What lessons are you meant to learn by moving through this DNoS?

  4. Resistance: What’s making your movement through this dark night of the soul more difficult?

  5. What can you do to overcome this resistance?

  6. Surrender: What are you doing that’s supporting your movement through this DNoS?

  7. What can you do to support yourself even more as you move through this DNoS?

  8. Higher Self praise: What does your Higher Self want you to know you’re doing really well when it comes to moving through this DNoS?

Reading notes + Resources

What is a Dark Night of the Soul (DNoS)?

The Dark Night of the Soul (DNoS) is the psycho-spiritual crisis that often precedes or coincides with a spiritual awakening.

As our consciousness expands to incorporate new truths (spiritual awakening), the ego’s favorite illusions are toppled and crumbled (resulting in a DNoS). It’s the illumination generated by new truths that casts a light onto the long-held illusions in our lives (shadows). And it’s this experience of seeing the darkness of our own shadows that characterizes the discomfort of the DNoS experience.

The profound discomfort of the DNoS experience propels us to go looking for answers to questions like:

What is the meaning of life?
What is the true nature of reality?
What is my purpose in life?
What happens when we die?
What’s the point of life?
Why am I here?
Why is this happening?

We often find that the answers to these questions challenge or contradict our previously held identities, attachments, and beliefs. Of course, having our foundational identities shaken to the core elicits a tremendous amount of resistance from the ego.

If we follow the ego’s lead, we’ll find ourselves fiercely resisting the DNoS for quite a while before we finally surrender to it. The ego believes that resisting the DNoS is the solution to it. In truth, the ego drums up even more suffering in its resistance which only serves to intensify the discomfort of the Dark Night.

Once enough discomfort (e.g., depression, anxiety, severe apathy, exhaustion, burnout, etc.) is present, the ego eventually wises up and recognizes that it has no idea what it’s doing or how to find its way out. It’s tried everything, but its usual solutions aren’t working. Eventually, the ego holds up its white flag of surrender and stops fighting the DNoS.

Surrendering and allowing our feelings to wash over us and guide us as they will is what allows us to flow with the transformative energy of the DNoS.

The moment the ego surrenders its efforts to resist and control is the moment that we begin to move through the DNoS (as opposed to being stuck in it). As we flow with the DNoS experience, we begin to tap into the rebirth side of its ego death/rebirth cycle as well.

In other words…

When we resist the DNoS, we’re only witnessing the dark side of it. When we surrender to the DNoS and allow it to unfold according to Divine will, we begin to see the light side as well. The side of expansion, illumination, and truth.

“Liberated from illusion, we can be free of all fear. In the end, waking up leads to absolute freedom. We don't just lead our everyday lives. We navigate the field of infinite possibilities.” —Deepak Chopra, MD Metahuman p. 230

The specifics of the DNoS experience are unique to each of us and yet there are common signs and symptoms that suggest we’re moving through one, including:

Sadness, depression.

Anxiety, fear, and even terror at what’s happening. This is especially true if a surge of Kundalini energy is activated and released, causing unusual physical sensations and symptoms.

Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and despair.

Grief. You may find yourself moving through the five stages of grief as you grieve the loss of the life you once knew (or the perspectives you once held).

Apathy, stagnation. Feeling stuck, stalled out, and lacking motivation or inspiration.

Exhaustion, burnout.

Feeling as if you might be going crazy.

A longing for something that you can’t quite put your finger on (and none of your usual fixes seem to soothe the restlessness generated by this soul-level longing).

You’re no longer interested in the things that once brought you joy and satisfaction.

Questioning longhand beliefs and identities.

Feeling misaligned with the people, places, and interests that once brought you a sense of peace.

Feeling agitated or overwhelmed by sensory input (especially sound).

Your tolerance for violence decreases—in life, movies, TV shows, video games, etc. This is due to heightened sensitivity and empathy.

Needing more alone time to decompress and reset.

The site Loner Wolf captures the essence of the dynamics at play in a Dark Night of the Soul experience in the following paragraphs:

As a primordial process of death and rebirth, the Dark Night of the Soul is a period in life where we are stripped of everything that is false. The veils of illusion are torn from our eyes. We suddenly see the fragility of ourselves, other people, and existence. And, out of nowhere, we start asking big questions such as “What is the meaning of life?” “What happens after death?” and “Why was I born?”

The more we start to question our lives, the more deception we come across. We see the lies perpetuated by society. We see the ways we have become wounded and behave dysfunctionally. And we may even notice a sense of emptiness inherent in our lives. Something feels missing. But what?

For many people, the Dark Night of the Soul heralds big life shifts. We may quit our jobs, leave our marriage, and seek out something more meaningful and aligned with who we truly are. For some, the Dark Night is a call to begin the spiritual journey toward enlightenment and reconnecting with the Soul.”


Psycho-spiritual Supports

Article: 19 Stages + Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening

Soul-Support Toolbox: Practical Tools for Tough Moments

Article: 7 Signs of the Dark Night of the Soul

Ascension Glossary—Dark Night of the Soul (this page includes suggestions and supports for various phases of DNoS). See also Ego Death. Ego Death and Dark Night of the Soul go hand-in-hand. What is Ascension? also this New to Ascension? has many helpful articles and resources. Observe, Discern, Accept practice for clearing negative ego.

Physical supports
Consider taking Biochemic Cell Salts (homeopathic remedy—I take Jackson’s Mineral Salts); rest; ground your energy—connect with nature, walk barefoot in the grass; move your body in ways that feel loving and supportive; hydrate with plenty of fresh water.

*I’m no longer writing out detailed reading notes for these, because it was taking multiple hours to do so and I needed to reclaim some of my time and energy in honor of self-love. Please sense into your intuition to determine if this feels resonant for you to watch. 💛

Disclaimer: This reading is intended for entertainment and inspirational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice or counsel.


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