The Sneaky Dangers of Limiting Beliefs
Do you have big dreams for yourself? Do you know in your heart that you’re here to make a difference and yet find yourself stuck, stagnant, and playing it safe?
If you answered ‘yes’ to the above, keep reading.
“The most powerful words in the universe are the words you say to yourself.”
Here’s what you’ll learn from this post:
How your beliefs shape your outcomes.
The difference between expansive beliefs + limiting beliefs.
How to shine a light on your limiting beliefs and expose them for what they are.
Let’s get to it!
We come into this world as blank slates.
Through the years, our personalities are layered with the beliefs and narratives of those who surround us most often.
The older we get, the more ingrained and powerful these beliefs become. They shape our entire life experience, including our outer purpose—for better or for worse.
As Marie Forleo notes in Everything is Figureoutable, “Beliefs are the hidden scripts that run our lives… A belief is something you know with total and absolute certainty. It’s a thought that you’ve decided—consciously or unconsciously—is The Truth. Our beliefs are the root of our reality and our results.”
DANG, Marie. 🙌 Droppin' that real wisdom on us.
Our beliefs can either work for or against us depending on whether they’re expansive or limiting.
Expansive beliefs encourage you to bravely live with intention and purpose. They encourage you to move forward and take healthy risks.
If they had a catchphrase, it’d go something like this:
You’ve got this, girl! NOW is the time. Today is the day. The world needs your gifts!
These are your “cheerleader” beliefs.
Examples: I’m capable. My work offers value and meaning. I’m worthy. I’m loving and loveable.
Limiting beliefs, on the other hand, yell loudly, peppering your mind with convincing excuses every time you so much as think about stepping outside your comfort zone. They hold you back from fulfilling your purpose and sharing your gifts.
If they had a catchphrase, it’d go something like this:
You can’t. You won’t. You don’t know how. You’re not X enough.
These are your “naysayer” beliefs.
Examples: I’m unworthy. I’m no good. I’m too shy. I’m an underachiever, a procrastinator, a failure.
We’re willing to bet that even the most confident and self-loving amongst us has at least a limiting belief or two.
Beliefs are sneaky, especially the naysayer type.
They function within both conscious and subconscious realms, which means they can be tricky to weed out by the roots.
And yet, they’re the core of who we are here on earth.
Limiting beliefs convince us to…
Play small.
Play safe.
Go unnoticed.
Minimize risk.
Avoid any potential criticism or failure.
And so on.
Limiting beliefs plant themselves in our minds early in life and grow deep roots throughout the years.
This is because beliefs launch a self-sustaining feedback loop.
A belief becomes a thought which turns into a feeling which leads to a behavior which gives us a result.
And since like attracts like, a sh*tty belief leads to a sh*tty result (or a mediocre one at best), thus confirming the initial sh*tty belief and relaunching the self-sustaining loop.
Allow us to offer a plant metaphor, if you will...
Belief = a seed.
Thought = soil.
Feelings = water.
Behavior = sunshine/clouds.
Result = the visible plant.
If you follow this metaphor through to its end, you’ll realize that the plant will inevitably restart this cycle by attempting to re-seed itself.
Limiting beliefs keep you where you are and rob the world of your gifts.
So, it’s time to dig ‘em up and toss ‘em out. Because to put it bluntly: You’ll only ever be as great as your beliefs allow you to be.
Because really, did you come into this world to play it safe? Did you come here to stay small? To go unnoticed?
We didn’t think so.
Pause. 🤚 Grab a sheet of paper or a journal and your favorite writing utensil.
Now, write down the answers to the following questions:
Who do you believe you are? Write down the 3 to 5 beliefs that most prominently define who you are and what you do.
Which beliefs are your cheerleaders—the ones that encourage you to live expansively?
Which beliefs are your naysayers—the ones that limit you and hold you back?
Store your answers in a safe place. We’ll return to them next week.
I’m worthy, willing, and capable.
Everything is Figureoutable* by Marie Forleo
Daring Greatly* by Brene Brown
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