How to Dissolve Egoic Illusion
“The moment you become aware of the ego in you, it is strictly speaking no longer the ego, but just an old conditioned mind-pattern. Ego implies unawareness. Awareness and ego cannot coexist.”
here’s what you’ll learn from this article:
Learn the #1 way to dissolve the ego’s illusions.
Learn how being ego-aware can cause ego flare-ups.
3 resources.
Let’s get to it!
We covered a lot of territory in the first three posts in this series, including the ego’s emotional identities, the ego’s biggest lie, and the pain-body.
The concept of the ego is made even more complex by the fact that we have to use the ego’s preferred language—thought forms—to understand it.
And so in our efforts to bring awareness to the ego, the ego is often triggered.
This is perfectly normal and to be expected.
Embrace any egoic push-pull that arises within you with the non-judgemental compassion of the higher self. 🙏
Before we dig into the heart of this post, we want to remind you that we’re here to answer questions as best we can (remember, we’re still learning, too).
Feel free to comment below with questions. We’re here for you!
Everything we’ve discussed in this month’s emails has led us to a tipping point.
We’ve called out what the ego is and is not.
We’ve uncovered the ego’s many excuses, including those it uses to convince us to play small.
We’ve talked about how the ego manifests in our emotions.
Long story short, we’ve shined a light on the ego’s myriad of problems.
While we’ve hinted at solutions, you might be wondering why we’ve taken such a problem-focused approach to the ego.
When it comes to the ego, the only true solution is to have awareness of its problems.
And so the only way to begin to dissolve the ego is to first understand the depths of its dysfunction.
Its from this place of awareness that the ego starts to lose its footing.
“Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them.” — Eckhart Tolle
Beware. ⚠️
As you bring awareness to the ego’s identities, it will push to find new ones.
It may even attempt to cleverly disguise its new identities as being of the higher self.
For instance, if you consider yourself to be spiritual or ego-aware, the ego may attempt to form new identities around these very ideas.
In this case, you might find the ego judging others it perceives to be less spiritually aware or even judging the existence of the ego in others.
A spiritual ego is no different than a non-spiritual ego. It tells the same dysfunctional story to keep itself separate from the whole.
Persistent awareness is required to avoid falling into the ego’s many traps.
And so, when the ego’s thoughts arise in you, as they inevitably will, notice them.
Ashley’s Example
“I’ve found that the more awareness I bring to the ego, the more creative it becomes at hiding itself. Sometimes it even attempts to masquerade as my higher self.
In spending these last few weeks writing about the ego, I occasionally found myself judging its existence in others, thinking things like, ‘Whoa. There’s a strong ego in that one.’
And then I’d be reminded of the fact that it’s the ego in me that judges the ego in others.
In that moment when I would notice the ego at work, from that space of present awareness, that’s what made it soften.
The ego quiets and fades when exposed by awareness, almost as if it’s embarrassed I’ve noticed it.”
In instances when you’re able to “catch” the ego and bring awareness to it, be careful not to oppose it or judge its presence.
Egoic patterns are strengthened through internal opposition.
And so, once you become aware that the ego is at work, stop and radically accept it for what it is by allowing it to be.
Don’t entangle your awareness of the ego with its dysfunction by arguing against it. That’s what it wants you to do.
Because the act of opposing is, of course, just another form of ego.
The same practice can be applied when facing ridicule or judgment from others.
Tolle suggests that when we’re criticized by others (or blamed or called names), we should do nothing. Instead of retaliating or defending, it’s best to do nothing at all.
In such moments, we can allow the illusory image of self (i.e., ego) to remain diminished by the perceived insult and notice what that diminishment feels like within the body.
An initial sense of shrinking (ego dissolving) will often be followed by a sense of lively inner spaciousness (higher self expanding).
“You haven’t been diminished at all. In fact, you have expanded… through becoming ‘less’, you become more.” — Eckhart Tolle
This is because by becoming “less” in the eyes of the ego, you undergo an expansive transformation that makes more room for your higher self.
Tolle notes that following the above practice does not mean that you’ll invite abuse or become a victim of unconscious people.
In fact, on occasion, a situation might demand that you tell someone to “back off”. Without the ego’s defensiveness, there will be power behind your words.
Tolle calls the above a “high-quality no”—a no said firmly and clearly that’s free of the ego’s obstructive negativity.
The ego loves to feel special.
Even in the ego’s discovery of itself and thereby during the process of its own dissolution, it will try to convince you of its specialness.
It may say things like, “You’re more awakened than most,” or “These people are talking about spirituality and they don’t know as much as you—speak up!”
Don’t be fooled. These are only further egoic attempts at self-preservation.
As best you can, refrain from strengthening the ego by showing off, wanting to stand out, demanding attention, or perceiving yourself as “special” or “different”.
Tolle notes that at times this “may include occasionally refraining from expressing your opinion when everybody is expressing his or hers, and seeing what that feels like.”
I am whole. I am here. I am aware.
The Evolution of Awareness: Understanding to Being
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