the latest.
Practical insights on complex spiritual topics and psychological tidbits to guide you as you create a life that lights you (and the world) up.
Tuning into the Frequency of Stillness
It can be tempting to rush transformation, but the biggest shifts occur when we make time for stillness. This week, we discuss why presence + stillness are powerful agents for subconscious change.
7 Spiritual Wellness Posts to Inspire in 2020
While reviewing a year’s worth of articles, a handful of favorites made themselves known. Keep reading for our top seven blog posts from 2019 (in no particular order)!
Psychological Techniques for Spiritual Presence
Did you know that presence is the foundation for mental health? Keep reading to find out our favorite psychological techniques for spiritual presence and how you can maintain mental wellness by showing up for all emotions—the good, the bad, and the ugly.
How to Stay Present in the Face of Discomfort
It’s easy to be present for the sparkly, wonderful stuff in life, but what about being present for the tough stuff and the mundane? Keep reading to find out how to stay present in the face of discomfort.
How to Be Present in a Modern, Distracted World
The more advanced our world becomes, the more difficult it is to stay present. Between texts, TV, phone apps, video games, social media, and so on, there are more ways than ever to yank our awareness out of the present moment. Keep reading to find out how to be present in a modern, distracted world.
Why Presence is Powerful and Yet So Difficult
We know there’s immense value is living in the present moment, and yet we find ourselves wandering so far from it. Keep reading to find out why presence is powerful and yet so difficult to maintain.