Tuning into the Frequency of Stillness
It can be tempting to rush transformation, but the biggest shifts occur when we make time for stillness. This week, we discuss why presence + stillness are powerful agents for subconscious change.
“I turn toward the Eye of Awareness, the conscious light of clarity that is my powerful ally. I open to this radiant light that penetrates all confusion and darkness, illuminating the path to my highest good and greatest experience of life.”
Here’s what you’ll learn from this article:
A reflection on and summary of this month’s posts.
Intuitive guidance on how to heal + release emotional shadows.
3 resources.
Let’s get to it!
This month, we’ve explored emotions through the lens of consciousness.
Specifically, we’ve chatted about:
How elevating your consciousness has a healing effect on the entire world.
Which of three emotional processing techniques elevates consciousness.
Powerful techniques for healing + releasing emotional shadows.
We’d originally planned to dive into yet another aspect of energy and consciousness, but we’ve received the intuitive nudge to hold space for what already is instead.
The ego loves to rush, rush, rush. It loves to gather and accumulate knowledge, and it feeds it to the mind to gnaw on.
The mind chews, chews, chews and applies the information where it can, but its ability to invoke change through thought only goes so far.
The truth is that the biggest shifts come from stillness. Because stillness is where the higher self resides. It’s where we can connect with the wisdom of everything that is, was, and will be.
While the above may sound a little loosey-goosey and ungrounded, we encourage you to ground the information from the last three weeks by finding stillness this week.
Make space for Being and nonjudgmental self-reflection and inquiry.
What has this month’s topic illuminated for you?
Our capacity to embrace big, important changes comes partially from gathering new information, yes, but most importantly from taking time to be still with that information and to courageously examine what it has illuminated within us.
What resonated with you in these last three emails/articles?
What triggered you?
What inspired you to make a change?
What made you question something you thought you knew?
What made you tick?
What made you surrender?
The answers to the above questions are breadcrumbs from your higher self leading you to higher levels of consciousness.
Knowing what you’re triggered by is just as useful and meaningful as knowing what you’re inspired by.
Don’t shy away from the feeling and don’t judge it, get curious about it. Bring awareness to it.
Why is it there? What is it mirroring back to you for self-examination?
When we make space for awareness, the ego quiets and the subconscious is given the opportunity to retrain and finetune itself.
To remain eternally curious about what we thought we already knew and be willing to release it in exchange for a new perspective is a powerful agent for subconscious (and spiritual) change.
Considering that the vast majority of our behaviors, emotions, thoughts, etc. are maintained by the subconscious, it’s there where most of the work needs to be done.
Since we can’t consciously change the subconscious, we must slowly reshape it by becoming nonjudgmentally curious about why we are the way we are right now.
From this place of open-minded examination, we begin to release what no longer serves us, illuminate emotional shadows, and let go of limiting beliefs.
Ashley recently wrote to her intuition on this very topic. Here’s what unfolded…
Q: How can we (every person on this planet) heal + release the past?
A: The answer you are seeking is within your soul. The healing that occurs in the Present will relate to that which is in the past as it transmutes the energy of the past and surrounds your [current] being to create wholeness. Be still and what is will flow through you. You have access to the wisdom you need at all times. Divinity flows through your veins even when you don’t acknowledge its presence. To release the emotions you have stored, be present with them. Envision them as being healed and they will be healed, but do not force the healing for that is the willing of the ego and the ego knows nothing of forgiveness or healing for it is not able to comprehend the vastness of light-giving feelings. It is not that the ego is bad but that it is limited. Do not judge the ego within you for it is there for a purpose. Your purpose here on earth requires the presence of the ego so that you can work to overcome its restrictions and limitations and remember that you are limitless. If you knew this all along, there wouldn’t be much to learn, would there? No, we didn’t think so.
I make space for healing. I trust that through stillness comes movement and eventually release.
Book: Energy Speaks* by Lee Harris
Article: How to Access Your Intuition in 5 Easy Steps
Video: Is the State of Presence Devoid of Emotional Content? By Eckhart Tolle
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