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Practical insights on complex spiritual topics and psychological tidbits to guide you as you step into your truest self and create a life that lights you (and the world) up.

Outrage as Entertainment: Why we’re addicted to anger

In this modern world of endless social media scrolling and heightened divisions, do you ever find yourself looking for something to be angry about? Perhaps you click into Twitter with the intention of seeing what the "other side" has to say fully expecting to get riled up about it? If so, you're not alone. Many of us have found ourselves caught in this "outrage as entertainment" cycle. Are we addicted to outrage? What purpose does outrage serve? Is this type of morally cloaked anger prosocial or are we merely feeding into a self-serving neurobiological brain loop when we go looking for injustices? What biases underpin our perceptions? And what can we do to step out of the outrage cycle and into empathic, unifying awareness?

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Life on Autopilot: Are You Trapped in the Matrix?

Have you ever felt like you're moving through life in a haze of repetition? Life becomes a blur of chores, to-do's, monotonous habits… eat, complete daily duties, sleep, repeat. You're caught in the moment and yet you're numb to its presence. While there's comfort in routine, your soul craves something more. But you're so caught up in reacting to life that it feels like you're not really living it. This is life on autopilot.

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Releasing Toxic Otherness

Toxic otherness turns others into enemies. This ego- and mind-derived phenomenon creates and sustains a war—real or imagined—between the perceived self and the perceived other. Keep reading to find out what toxic otherness looks like and how to dismantle its presence in your life.

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The 3 Mirrors of Perception

If you’ve heard people say things like “If you don’t like your life, look at yourself because your life is just showing you who you are,” and have felt dissatisfied with this shame-inducing explanation, keep reading. There’s a whole lot more to the concept of ‘spiritual mirrors’ than this one limiting idea.

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Dissolving Egoic Illusion Ashley Melillo Dissolving Egoic Illusion Ashley Melillo

The Ego's Many Excuses

Do you have a dream, a calling, a vision of who you’re meant to be? Are you living that dream? If so, no need to keep reading. If not, do you find your mind is filled with all sorts of convincing excuses as to why you’re not X enough to follow through? If so, keep reading. Below we talk about the ego’s many excuses and what to do about them.

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