Eckhart Tolle's Right Action + Awakened Doing

According to Eckhart Tolle, ‘right action’ + ‘awakened doing’ are the two most powerful states of consciousness we can create from in terms of the actions we take toward our outer purpose. Keep reading to learn what these concepts mean and how to implement them in your life.

Awakened doing is the alignment of your outer purpose—what you do—with your inner purpose—awakening and staying awake.
— Eckhart Tolle

Here’s what you’ll learn from this article:

  1. All about Tolle’s concept of ‘right action’.

  2. All about Tolle’s concept of ‘awakened doing’.

  3. How to create major, game-changing impact in the work you do.

Let’s get to it!

right action

In the wise words of Tolle, “Right action is action that is appropriate to the whole.” 

But what, exactly, does this mean? 

Let’s break it down.

Whereas ego-driven action is taken as a means to fulfill specific needs, ‘right action’ is rooted in Presence. 

Specifically, ‘right action’ stems from the spacious awareness that comes from being open to what is

When you take ‘right action’, you seek nothing in terms of outcome because the action itself is so aligned with Presence that it’s inherently fulfilling. 

And by taking action while immersed in the present moment, creativity happens through you rather than from you.

You’ll know you’ve accomplished something out of ‘right action’ if a state of ego-less spaciousness remains after the action has been completed. 

how to practice right action

If you’d like to practice ‘right action’, Tolle suggests asking the following question while rooted in the present moment: 

“How do I respond to the needs of this situation, of this moment?”

We find it can be helpful to close our eyes and place one hand over our heart while asking this question. 

Sometimes, action isn’t possible or even necessary. But if it is, from this state of Presence, ‘right action’ will happen through you.

inner purpose + outer purpose = awakened doing

“Not what you do, but how you do what you do determines whether you are fulfilling your destiny.” — Eckhart Tolle

Awakened doing requires that we first awaken and then take ‘right action’ toward our outer purpose.



But as with any spiritual endeavor, easier said than done.

If you need a refresher on awakening, review this post.

‘Awakened doing’ means that your main purpose for doing is the doing itself. Not the outcome.

You might be wondering, “What’s so special about awakened doing?” 

Excellent question.

“In any situation and in whatever you do, your state of consciousness is the primary factor; the situation and what you do is secondary. ‘Future’ success is dependent upon and inseparable from the consciousness out of which the actions emanate. ” —Eckhart Tolle

This 👆 is why awakened doing is not only special but imperative. The consciousness that goes into our doing as we’re doing it is the same consciousness that will radiate from the outcome.

The most impactful outcomes are the fruits of awakened doing. Ironically though, the person who creates from a state of ‘awakened doing’ is entirely unconcerned with future outcome.

3 modes of awakened doing

In A New Earth*, Tolle describes three modalities of awakened doing: acceptance, enjoyment, and enthusiasm.


When we're in a state of acceptance, we release all resistance toward whatever it is we're doing. 

We might not enjoy it, but we do accept that we have to do it. 

For example, we don't particularly enjoy doing our taxes but there's a difference between resisting the doing of our taxes and accepting the doing of our taxes. 

When we accept the task at hand, there's far more power and oomph behind our actions—even if those actions aren't particularly enjoyable.


When we're in a state of enjoyment, we become one with the task at hand and feel a sense of aliveness while doing it. 

The psychology term for this type of awakened doing would be "cognitive flow".


Enthusiasm is where enjoyment meets a greater vision or purpose. 

Although enthusiasm often brings with it heightened intensity and energy, action taken from this state never feels stressful. 

Tolle notes that "enthusiasm has a high frequency and so resonates with the creative power of the universe." 

It’s from a place of enthusiasm that we co-create with the Universe. This is when ideas feel as if they’re flowing through us rather than from us. 

Have you ever experienced this?

A time when you were so Present with the task at hand that ideas flowed effortlessly through you?

How wonderful did it feel to create from this space of guided intelligence?

"With enthusiasm you will find that you don't have to do it all by yourself. In fact, there is nothing of significance that you CAN do by yourself. Sustained enthusiasm brings into existence a wave of creative energy, and all you have to do then is 'ride the wave.'" — Eckhart Tolle

Many of the well-known “geniuses” throughout time have attributed their most profound breakthroughs to this miraculous state of co-creation.

not just for the select few

Enthusiasm is available to all of us. 

But reaching this high-vibrational state of ‘awakened doing’ requires that we go against the conventional wisdom that suggests that success hinges on our ability to “hustle” and “grind”. 

It requires us to release the falsely conditioned idea that there’s no time or place for being when there’s so much to do.

Enthusiasm asks that we first be and then do. And that we then carry that being into our doing

It’s from this state of awakened doing that enthusiasm will find us and enlighten us with its creative gifts.

make it real

Ashley’s Example

“In early 2018, I was at a point in my life where I’d let my morning routine fall to the wayside. 

As a new mom, many of my foundational habits had been nudged to the side to make room for the responsibilities of caring for a precious little human. Which, looking back, probably contributed to my postpartum struggles.

I made excuses for why I’d let my morning routine go. I’m exhausted. I don’t have time. Does it really make that much of a difference? (Uhh, yes, it does!)

I was surviving but not at all thriving. And I could feel this undertone of survival mode creeping into my work. 

While I could do my way through some of my work for Blissful Basil, the writing I do here is not something that can be forced or even willed. 

It’s far too delicate for that, and any forcing in the doing would most certainly be perceptible to you all in the outcome.

As we started to dig into creating newsletters + blog posts, I found myself sporadically inspired at best. 

I’d hit a little wave of enthusiasm and ride it while I could, but the demands of our mission far exceeded the momentum of the tiny inner surf I was experiencing. 

And so, earlier this year, I reinstated my morning routine. I set aside the excuses and started yanking myself out of bed each morning (using an alarm clock that makes me solve math problems and puzzles before it shuts off 😆). 

I’d forgotten how miraculous a little yoga and meditation—i.e., be time—could be for my creativity. 

Now, many mornings, I find ideas flowing into my mind as ‘downloads’ (e.g., visions, chunks of information, etc.) while I move through gentle yoga poses on my mat.

Once I’ve wrapped up the being portion of my morning routine, I excitedly make my way to the computer and jot down the ideas, thoughts, musings, etc. 

Not all of them are winners or even keepers, but plenty of them are. And yet they flow into my mind effortlessly when I take the time to be. No forcing, willing, or resisting required.”


I am one with the task at hand. I take action in alignment with my being.


A New Earth* by Eckhart Tolle

The Untethered Soul* by Michael Singer

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