Inner Purpose vs. Outer Purpose
Did you know that we all share a common inner purpose? It’s true. On the contrary, outer purpose varies greatly between people (and even within). Keep reading to find out the difference between inner purpose and outer purpose.
“Your inner purpose is to awaken. It is as simple as that. You share that purpose with every other person on the planet—because it is the purpose of humanity. Your inner purpose is an essential part of the purpose of the whole, the universe and its emerging intelligence.”
Here’s what you’ll learn from this article:
The difference between inner purpose + outer purpose.
Why BEING is more important than doing.
A personal example of reconnecting to inner purpose.
Quick note before we get to it: If you’ve read (or are reading) Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth*, we recommend reviewing Chapter Nine, Your Inner Purpose either before or after diving into the below.
Most simply put…
Inner purpose is about being and awakening to the truth of who we are.
Outer purpose is about doing.
We all have the same inner purpose: to be and to awaken (review last week’s email if you need a refresher on awakening).
Outer purpose, however, varies greatly from person to person and even within each person depending on the point in time.
The world teaches us that doing is primary.
That the determination of whether or not we’ve lived a “good” life hinges on the outcomes of our outer purpose. That life is about doing, achieving, and succeeding.
And that once we’ve done all there is to do, then, and only then, can we finally be.
We glorify busyness, both complaining and (humble) bragging about our overflowing schedules.
We cling to the warped conclusion that if we’re not “busy” constantly doing, we must be “lazy” or lacking motivation.
We’d like to flip this insanity on its head for good.
Life is, first and foremost, about awakening to the truth of who we are and being.
Once we’ve learned how to be and once we’ve begun to awaken, then we can authentically and powerfully align with our outer purpose, too.
"If you ignore your inner purpose, no matter what you do... the ego will creep into HOW you do it, and so the means will corrupt the end." — Eckhart Tolle
The above isn't to say that what we do won't offer value or move the needle forward if we ignore our inner purpose.
Rather that our “doing” won't be anywhere near as powerful as it could have been had we taken the time to first be and then align our doing with our being.
Not to mention that all that doing will be exhausting, depleting, and burnout-inducing if we don’t prioritize being.
Our goal in sharing this with you today is to encourage you to begin thinking about the concept of inner purpose and how you can align with yours.
Give yourself permission to prioritize your inner purpose. To prioritize being over doing.
When you prioritize your inner purpose, not only do the actions you take toward your outer purpose become more powerful, they also become more effortless.
Through the art of being and then doing, you’ll find far more joy in the actions you take and the work you do.
And when you’re in this joyful state of doing, the fruits of your labor will pack punch, power, and inspiring high-vibe energy.
Ashley’s Example
“As is the case with many people, my outer purpose has morphed and varied and changed over the years.
In the last decade alone, my outer purpose has taken form in my work as a graduate student, a psychologist, a blogger, a cookbook author, a photographer, and as a spiritually curious writer.
While I’ve found joy in all of the above, it wasn’t until I really started focusing on my inner purpose (being and awakening) that I began to find deeper meaning and satisfaction in the actions taken toward these changing outer purposes.
And that I began to find ease in the actions taken toward my outer purpose.
Before I learned to prioritize my inner purpose, I was highly dependent on the outcomes of my outer purpose to provide stability, peace, and a sense of fulfillment.
When the day-to-day happenings in my work, schooling, or creativity faltered or failed to satisfy, my emotions (and sense of self) faltered along with them.
To hand the care of my emotions and fulfillment to my outer purpose left me on shaky ground.
Because outer purpose is dependent on external circumstances, any joy derived solely from its fruits is fleeting and illusory.
I felt this reality deeply upon completion of my cookbook. Upon the book’s initial release, I was overcome with joy.
I’d put everything I had into creating that book for two years straight. Since I was still working full-time as a psychologist while writing it, I had to work seven days a week to keep up with my publisher’s deadlines.
Therein lied the problem. 👆 I’d put everything into my outer purpose and had completely neglected my inner purpose.
After the initial rush of excitement when the book was released, I found myself drained, depleted, and exhausted.
In neglecting my inner purpose for so long, I’d also mistakenly meshed my sense of self with my outer purpose. And so any criticism of the book—no matter how gentle—felt like criticism of me.
Let me tell you, this is a no-good place to be.
But that burnout, that disillusionment is what ultimately led me to the realization that something needed to change. That I needed to reprioritize my inner purpose.
In the months that followed, my passion for space documentaries, physics, spirituality, and philosophy was rekindled. I began meditating again. I created a powerful morning routine practice. I took weekends off. I did “unproductive” but soul-restoring things.
Most importantly, I began being instead of solely doing.”
First I am, then I do.
A New Earth* by Eckhart Tolle
The Untethered Soul* by Michael Singer
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