The Soul Horizon Podcast
Where self meets soul—gentle guidance for deep transformation. Join me each week as we explore the soul from a grounded perspective, interweaving psychology and spirituality to explore life’s greatest mysteries. We journey through topics like consciousness, the psychospiritual nature of reality, self-reclamation + self-mastery, empowerment, awakened living, ego de-centering, intuitive discernment, the Higher Self, and more.
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Meet ‘The Soul Horizon’ in this brief introductory episode.
Ep. 46: Off the Cuff—Current energies, Lion’s Gate, Manifestation
This impromptu episode is a sort of off-the-cuff chat about current energies, healing work, and themes we're experiencing as a collective right now.
In it, we'll talk...
Lion's Gate. Current energies, including what emotions and thoughts they're eliciting within us individually and collectively. What I'm personally doing to cultivate balance, harmony, and power within and in response to current energies. An intuitive Q + A with juicy insights and tips on making the most of the current planetary energies
Ep. 45: Head Thinking vs. Heart Thinking
If you’ve listened to The Soul Horizon for any length of time, you’ve probably heard me talk about the pitfalls of over-thinking as well as the perils of believing everything the ego says without question. The truth is that thinking is an imperative part of being human. And there's a certain type of thinking that's actually highly spiritual in nature.
Ep. 15: Claiming Your Super-Powered Purpose
In this episode we're talking about how to identify and claim our Super-Powered Purpose. If you're waffling or wavering in your life or career or in search of deeper meaning, this episode is for you. Listen on for an honest and heart-centered approach to find your way back to yourself and back to the soul work that fulfills you.
Ep. 11: Quantum Manifestation
Manifestation is the idea that we're capable of creating our reality through our thoughts and feelings. You might know it as Law of Attraction or 'The Secret'. The Secret, though, mostly zeroed in on manifesting material gain—money, houses, shiny objects. In this episode, we dig below the surface to examine the interplay between quantum mechanics and manifestation, and how to create a signal so clear, so concise that it reaches into the quantum field and pulls our desires into physical reality before our eyes.