the latest.
Practical insights on complex spiritual topics and psychological tidbits to guide you as you create a life that lights you (and the world) up.
What is Emotional Responsibility?
If you’ve ever found yourself either taking on responsibility for other people’s emotions or blaming others for your emotional experience—truly, who hasn’t—this post is for you. Keep reading to learn about the concept of emotional responsibility and how to reclaim it in your life.
7 Spiritual Wellness Posts to Inspire in 2020
While reviewing a year’s worth of articles, a handful of favorites made themselves known. Keep reading for our top seven blog posts from 2019 (in no particular order)!
The Ego's Greatest Lie + The Pain-Body
If you’re curious how the ego affects emotional well-being, this article is for you. Below we expose the ego’s greatest lie and dive deep into the concept of the pain-body and how it affects our lives.
Why Presence is Powerful and Yet So Difficult
We know there’s immense value is living in the present moment, and yet we find ourselves wandering so far from it. Keep reading to find out why presence is powerful and yet so difficult to maintain.
How Being Wired for Survival Makes Us Unhappy + 7 Easy Fixes
Keep reading to find out how being wired for survival makes us unhappy + 7 easy fixes.
Mind-Body Benefits of Gratitude
You know you’re supposed to be grateful, but do you know why a gratitude practice is so transformative? Keep reading to find out the mind-body benefits of gratitude.