The Soul Horizon Podcast

Psychology for the Soul—gentle guidance for deep transformation. Join me each week as we explore the soul from a grounded and practical perspective, weaving together psychology and spirituality to explore life’s greatest mysteries.

We’ll journey through topics like consciousness, the nature of reality, self-reclamation + self-mastery, empowerment, living beyond illusion, ego de-centering, intuitive discernment, living in alignment with the Higher Self, and more.

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Meet ‘The Soul Horizon’ in this brief introductory episode.


Ep. 48: Returning to Wholeheartedness Through the Portal of Heartbreak

In this episode, we explore: The collective archetype of Divorce; The perils, pitfalls, and disempowerment that go hand-in-hand with the blame game and victimhood; How to resist the ego's bait and return to the heart when we're feeling hurt, betrayed, resentful, scared, etc.; How to implement heart-led boundaries; Why eliminating fear isn't the solution to our discomfort; How to leverage the transformative power of pain and heartbreak to return to our innate wholeness.

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Ashley Melillo Ashley Melillo

Ep. 44: 4 Life Lessons That Always Come Knocking

In this episode, we explore four life lessons that are repeated time and time again. In knowing that these lessons present themselves in perpetuity, we can begin to soften to their guidance in a gentle, non-resistant, and surrendered kind of way. And the more we embrace this sort of openness, the more fluidly and nimbly we can move through these lessons, and the more we're able to welcome their wisdom.

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Relationships, Unity Consciousness Ashley Melillo Relationships, Unity Consciousness Ashley Melillo

Ep. 38: Unconditional Love vs. Unconditional Tolerance

There’s a big difference between unconditional love and unconditional tolerance. The former fosters unity consciousness whereas the latter can lead us to linger in toxic or even dangerous situations. In this episode, we explore unconditional love, unconditional tolerance, and the vast but often overlooked differences that separate these two distinct energies.

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Higher Self, Spiritual Awakening Ashley Melillo Higher Self, Spiritual Awakening Ashley Melillo

Ep. 26: Wisdom Tidbits for the Soul

In this episode, we're highlighting key insights and summaries from the last 25 episodes with guidance on fear, the ego, procrastination, being ordinary, feeling trapped by life, being triggered, happiness, love, and more. I'm also sharing trickles of Higher Self wisdom I've received throughout 2022 in the form of random insights and inner knowings. And there's a special message for YOU from my Higher Self to yours with guidance for the year ahead.

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Spiritual Awakening, Consciousness Rising Ashley Melillo Spiritual Awakening, Consciousness Rising Ashley Melillo

Ep. 9: 19 Stages of Spiritual Awakening

In this episode we're talking about the process commonly known as a spiritual awakening. Specifically, we'll be talking about why there's a mass spiritual awakening unfolding on earth at this time as well as the various stages of spiritual awakening, including 19 of the most common signs and symptoms as well as potential hiccups in the process.

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