The Soul Horizon Podcast
Where self meets soul—gentle guidance for deep transformation. Join me each week as we explore the soul from a grounded perspective, interweaving psychology and spirituality to explore life’s greatest mysteries. We journey through topics like consciousness, the psychospiritual nature of reality, self-reclamation + self-mastery, empowerment, awakened living, ego de-centering, intuitive discernment, the Higher Self, and more.
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Meet ‘The Soul Horizon’ in this brief introductory episode.
Ep. 11: Quantum Manifestation
Manifestation is the idea that we're capable of creating our reality through our thoughts and feelings. You might know it as Law of Attraction or 'The Secret'. The Secret, though, mostly zeroed in on manifesting material gain—money, houses, shiny objects. In this episode, we dig below the surface to examine the interplay between quantum mechanics and manifestation, and how to create a signal so clear, so concise that it reaches into the quantum field and pulls our desires into physical reality before our eyes.
Ep. 10: Triggered! Using Emotional Triggers as a Roadmap to Healing
Triggers have gotten a bad rap in recent times. We're terrified of being triggered and we're scared of triggering others. We tiptoe across eggshells in our interactions. In return, we expect others to do the same. To mind themselves to avoid ruffling our feathers or crushing those fragile eggshells that surround our deepest wounds. Today we're going to flip this perception—the one that vilifies triggers—on its head. We'll explore why welcoming emotional triggers is a necessary step in the process of deep healing. And how the things and people that trigger us serve as messengers and as tour guides, leading us to the areas that need to be healed.
Ep. 9: 19 Stages of Spiritual Awakening
In this episode we're talking about the process commonly known as a spiritual awakening. Specifically, we'll be talking about why there's a mass spiritual awakening unfolding on earth at this time as well as the various stages of spiritual awakening, including 19 of the most common signs and symptoms as well as potential hiccups in the process.
Ep. 8: Life on Autopilot—Are you trapped in the matrix?
Have you ever felt like you're moving through life in a haze of repetition? Life's become a blur of three-dimensional distractions. And while there's comfort in routine, your soul craves something more. You're so caught up in reacting to life that it feels like you're not really living it. This is life on autopilot. Give this episode a listen if you'd like to know more about what it means to be stuck on autopilot and why we're all on autopilot... until we're not.
Ep. 7: The Permission to Be Ordinary
In this episode, we're talking about how giving ourselves the permission to be ordinary leads to more fulfillment, joy, and internal feelings of success. And ironically, how by allowing ourselves to be ordinary, we actually end up moving closer to extraordinary.
Ep. 6: Self-Reclamation
We give aspects of ourselves away or hide them away for many reasons—others' expectations, traumatic experiences, societal or cultural expectations, etc. However, to harness our authentic power, we must work to reclaim these lost aspects of self. In this episode, we discuss the what, why, and how of self-reclamation.
Ep. 5: Outrage as Entertainment
In this modern world of endless social media scrolling and heightened divisions, have you ever found yourself looking for things to be angry about? If you've ever found yourself in a pattern of looking for things to be outraged by and you're curious as to why and what to do about it, give this one a listen.
Ep. 4: The Higher Self
Higher Self and Soul—one and the same? In this episode we discuss the what's what and who's who of the higher self. We also discuss the scientific principle of heart-brain coherence and how we can use coherence to open a line of communication to the higher self.
Ep. 3: Ego 101
In this episode, we're covering ego basics—what the ego is, what it is not, how it helps us, how it hinders us, and how we can soften its grip to leverage its power. Awareness of the ego is one of the most powerful agents for spiritual growth, and no matter how far along we are in our journey, there's always more to learn when it comes to the ego.
Ep. 2: Instant Gratification v. Enduring Satisfaction
We all want to feel more joyful, more fulfilled and yet fewer of us are classifying ourselves as "happy" these days than ever before. In this episode, we discuss the dopamine-driven feedback loop and how quick thrills (e.g., social media) leave the heart feeling empty and the mind in constant search of more stimulation. We also discuss a so(u)lution... and it's probably not what you think.
Ep. 1: Fearapy
In this episode, we’re talking FEAR-APY—a simple and actionable practice to take small, daily steps to overcome your limiting fears. Limiting fears are the kind of fears that keep your life or career smaller than you'd like it be... they limit and restrict your soul's expansiveness. Thus, by conquering these fears, your life grows fuller, your soul expands, and that internal spark ignites.
Ep. 0: It Starts with YOU.
Want to change the world? It starts with YOU. Light up yourself, light up the world.