Elevate Your Consciousness to Heal the World
Did you know that your personal emotional experience affects the entire Universal field of consciousness? It’s true. Below, we touch upon the game-changing (scientific) evidence to support the (spiritual) idea that all consciousness is intimately intertwined and connected.
“People can not be separated from their environment. Living consciousness is not an isolated unit. Human consciousness is increasing the order of the rest of the world and has an incredible power to heal ourselves and the world: in a certain sense we make the world as such, as we wish.”
here’s what you’ll gain from this article:
Learn how your emotional experience affects the entire Universal field of consciousness.
Learn why your most powerful opportunity to change the world begins by changing yourself.
Game-changing (scientific) evidence to support the (spiritual) idea that all consciousness is intimately intertwined and connected.
Let’s get to it!
Emotions = Energy (in) Motion.
Did you know that the emotions you experience form an energetic field that emanates outward in waves from your physical body?
Because of this, what you feel affects others, too. Your emotional experience radiates waves of energy that ripple out and interact with the earth, the animals, and most definitely other people.
This means that, try as you might, your emotional experience isn’t contained to the bounds of your physical body. It radiates outward and permeates the energetic field that connects all consciousness.
Because of this, it’s our responsibility as sentient beings to learn to navigate and care for our own energetic field so that we can more swiftly move ourselves and, consequently, humanity up the rungs of consciousness.
“All life is energy (light) interacting. The universe is self-regenerating and eternal, constantly refreshing itself and in touch with every other part of itself instantaneously. Everything in it is giving, exchanging and interacting with energy, coming in and out of existence at every level. The self has a field of influence on the world and visa versa based on this energy.” — Lynn McTaggart, The Field*
For the sake of brevity, we won’t dive into the depths of the scientific evidence today, but we’d be happy to do a deep-dive on the physics behind emotional interconnectivity in the future. Is that something you’d be interested in? Let us know in the comments below!
In the meantime, we’d like to point you in the direction of some of our favorite resources on the topic.
For deeper independent study, we recommend picking up one or both of these books:
The Field* by Lynne McTaggart
Power VS. Force* by Dr. David Hawkins.
For enlightening tidbits, take a look at the following studies:
Dr. Masaru Emoto’s study on water consciousness offers a quick but enlightening perspective into the scientific support of the interconnectivity of emotions and consciousness.
The study on the Maharishi Effect—whereby 1% of the population practicing Transcendental Meditation led to a 21.2% decrease in the incidence of violent crime over the course of four years—is another quick but powerful example.
“The hypothesis of a field effect of consciousness implies that there is an underlying connection between individuals in much the same way that physics has uncovered greater unity beneath the diversity of matter and energy fields. The more powerfully that underlying field is enlivened, the greater the unifying influence of peace and harmony on the surface levels of life.” (Source)
A quick Google search of Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance” (aka Quantum Entanglement) also proves to be enlightening here.
But again, for the sake of space and time (space-time pun intended 😆), you can trust that we’ve done our due diligence in vetting the growing body of science to support these spiritual principles.
With the above in mind, the importance of harmonizing your inner emotional field to raise your consciousness quickly becomes apparent. (If you’ve read Power vs. Force, you know that this is power.)
We’ll go so far as to say that doing so is the greatest gift you can give the world.
There’s a lot of chaos in the world right now. Because of this, it can feel especially tempting to leap outward to action to incite change.
It can also feel tempting to judge and criticize others’ actions or non-actions. (If you’ve read Power vs. Force, you know that doing so would be categorized as force.)
But let’s honestly consider this question first:
Does our judgment and criticism of others empower them to change?
Judgment and criticism are always disempowering, because they come from an energetically disempowered place—the ego. Because of this, they’ll always be met with defensiveness and resistance, which only serve to drum up more negativity.
Ego attempts to invoke change by force, saying:
These people need to change. What they’re doing is wrong. They should be ashamed.
Intuition quietly and confidently summons power, saying:
All is well. Seek change within yourself and the world will change without. True power comes from finding the energetic line within. From there, healing power ripples out to others in cleansing waves.
This isn’t to say that going within won’t eventually lead us to take (empowering) action.
Going within to harmonize our individual energetic field allows us to take action (if the heart calls us to do so) in a peaceful, powerful, and nonjudgmental way.
Best yet, turning inward to harmonize your energetic field is so powerfully soothing to the greater field of consciousness that you don’t need to take any outward action at all in order to have a healing effect on the world.
Pause. ✋ Absorb that. The ego loves to crop up and say, “But! But! But!” right about now.
If you are called to take action after going within to harmonize your energetic field, rest assured that the non-forceful, nonjudgmental fruits of your inner work are capable of making far bigger waves than had you hastily leapt to action without inner alignment.
Once your energetic field is harmonized and your vibration raised, your higher energy will magnetize others’ energy upwards without the need for force, words, or persuasion. This is true power.
“When you feel connected and in harmony with intention, you sense a major difference in how other people react to you… The more closely you automatically resonate to the frequencies of the universal all-creating Source, the more that others will be impacted and their lower energies nullified.” — Dr. Wayne Dyer
True power is embodying the divine wholeness of your higher self so completely that your energy speaks for itself so peacefully, so powerfully that it transmutes the lower frequency energies of others, too.
Dr. Hawkins’ research on the effects of counterbalancing offers empowering insights on this very idea.
The counterbalancing theory posits that one individual operating at higher levels of consciousness is capable of counterbalancing the negative effects of tens of thousands, even millions, of individuals experiencing lower frequency energies.
Specifically, Dr. Hawkins discovered that:
One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of optimism and a willingness to be nonjudgmental of others will counterbalance the negativity of 90,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels.
One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure love and reverence for all of life will counterbalance the negativity of 750,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels.
One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of illumination, bliss, and infinite peace will counterbalance the negativity of 10 million people who calibrate at the lower weakening levels. (He noted that, at the time, approximately 22 such sages were alive on earth.)
One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of grace, pure spirit beyond body, in a world of nonduality or complete oneness, will counterbalance the negativity of 70 million people who calibrate at the lower weakening levels. (He noted that, at the time, approximately 10 such sages were alive on earth.)
All we can say is DANG. It’s time to step up, move through our shadows, release energetic blocks, and move up the ladder to higher levels of consciousness. The world depends on us.
(This ↑ quote is from Rebecca Campbell’s The Starseed Oracle* card deck, and it serendipitously popped off the page at us as we were working on the first draft for this post.)
As we hinted at above, there’s a lot going on in the world right now, and our egos are chomping at the bit to judge others and resist what is.
Taking on a judgmental attitude corrupts the energy you emanate and, consequently, your message as well.
Take, for example, the fires in Australia. The horror and devastation of these fires have drummed up a whole lot of finger pointing and judgment.
It’s painful to witness these events unfolding, and the ego’s first line of defense against pain is anger. And so we find ourselves angrily judging and blaming others.
But fighting sadness with anger won’t heal the wound.
The current state of Mother Earth // Gaia is a direct reflection of the state of our collective consciousness.
We can’t solve the world’s issues (or our own) through judgment or force.
No matter the issue, the power to invoke meaningful change resides within each of us.
We can make the world whole by first making ourselves whole.
And we can make ourselves whole by harmonizing our energetic frequency, surrendering to what is without resistance, releasing the thoughts and habits that no longer serve us, healing our shadows, and aligning the actions we take with the callings of our higher self.
It’s this deep level of inner work that will raise our own vibration and, consequently, the vibration of others, too.
If the state of the world is bothering you (our hands are raised 🙋♀️🙋♀️), go within to unearth your true power. Release the temptation to force change.
It’s easy to point fingers (we’ve certainly done our fair share). It’s much harder to look in the mirror and acknowledge our own contribution to the current state of affairs.
But doing so connects us with our highest, most authentic power and ignites our capacity to heal the world through inward energetic change.
We’ve all played a part in creating the current reality. Embracing this tough-to-swallow truth, without judgment for ourselves or others, is the first step in reconciling it.
We can’t heal the world without first healing ourselves. Everything is connected. ✨
I go within to harmonize my energetic field and elevate my consciousness. The feelings of peace, humble surrender, and forgiveness I feel within radiate outward in powerful, healing waves that wash over the world. The peace I feel within offers peace without.
Book: Power vs. Force* by Dr. David Hawkins
Book: The Field* by Lynn McTaggart
Article: The Maharishi Effect
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