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Practical insights on complex spiritual topics and psychological tidbits to guide you as you create a life that lights you (and the world) up.
Shifting from Trance to Presence to Reveal Your Truest Self
If you often find yourself caught up in and limited by the mind’s fear-based stories, this post is for you. Read on to learn more about the default state of Trance so many of us exist in and how to break through it to reveal your truest self.
Are You a Stuffer, Surrenderer, or Sufferer?
There are three distinct ways that we process emotions and yet only one of these three methods moves us to higher levels of consciousness. Below, we explore the science behind emotions and share which method of emotional processing is energetically and spiritually expansive.
The Ego's Many Excuses
Do you have a dream, a calling, a vision of who you’re meant to be? Are you living that dream? If so, no need to keep reading. If not, do you find your mind is filled with all sorts of convincing excuses as to why you’re not X enough to follow through? If so, keep reading. Below we talk about the ego’s many excuses and what to do about them.
What is the Ego? What isn't the Ego?
The elusive ego. Below we discuss what the ego is, what it isn’t, and how to call it out.
Psychological Techniques for Spiritual Presence
Did you know that presence is the foundation for mental health? Keep reading to find out our favorite psychological techniques for spiritual presence and how you can maintain mental wellness by showing up for all emotions—the good, the bad, and the ugly.